Friday, April 1, 2022

4th Friday of Lent (Wisdom Forsees Passion of Jesus)


 In the Gospel today, we can clearly see there is a plot to kill Jesus. Our Lord did not want to travel through Judah because He knew the Jews were trying to kill Him. When Jesus went to the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, He went in secret.

It must have been wide spread that people wanted to kill Jesus because when Jewish people of Jerusalem saw Him, they said, “Is He not the one they are trying to kill?” Jesus said openly, “You know me and know where I am from. Yet I did not come to my own, but the one who sent me, whom you do not know, is true. I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent me.” By these words Jesus wanted them to know He was with the Father, knows the Father and was sent by the Father, and therefore He is declaring Himself to be God. This caused the Jews to try to arrest Him, but because it was not yet His time to go through His Passion (the hour had not come), they were unable to lay their hands upon Him.

The first reading today from the book of Wisdom refers to prophecies about the upcoming passion and death of Jesus.

The book of Wisdom states, “Let us beset the just one”- Jesus is the just one, the innocent one, whom they attempt to kill.

The book of Wisdom predicts what will happen to Jesus. It states: He “reproaches us for our transgressions of the law.” Jesus reproaches them by His silent merciful love to sinners and healing on the Sabbath.

The book of Wisdom says: “He professes to have knowledge of God.” Jesus in the Gospel of John said, “I know the Father and the Father knows me.”

It states, “To us, He is the censure of our thoughts.” Often times, the gospels relate that Jesus knew their thoughts and what they were thinking.

The book of Wisdom also says: “He boasts that God is His Father”. Jesus declared Himself, the Son of the Father.

It says: “If the just one will be the Son of God, He will defend Him.” These words would be uttered at the foot of the Cross, by those who hated Jesus. They said, “He relied on God; let God rescue Him now, if He wants to. After all, He claimed, “I am the God’s Son.”

The book of Wisdom says: “With revilement and torture, let us put Him to the test.” Did not the soldiers and chief priests revile Jesus and torture Him by having Pilate judge Him, have Him scourged, mocked, crowned with thorns, carry a cross, and be crucified?

It also said: “Let us condemn Him to a shameful death.”- Is not being stripped of your clothes and hung on a Cross, as a criminal, a shameful death?

Today’ psalm also speaks of Our Lord’s Passion: “He watches over all of His bones; not one of them shall be broken.” Those who were crucified often had their bones broken, so they would die quicker, but the bones of Jesus were not broken, because He died quickly from all His intense torture.

Today, as we reflect upon the prophesies of Jesus from the book of the Wisdom, let us pray the Eucharist, we are about to receive, will give us the grace to pass from death to life, keep us from our old and sinful ways, and help us to be ready for the life to come in the heavenly kingdom with Mary our Mother, and all the angels and saints.

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