Wednesday, March 30, 2022

4th Thursday of Lent - Golden Calf


 In the Book of Exodus, the people made a calf out of gold, 

worshiped and sacrificed to it.

 The Lord threatens to punish them. But through the intercession of

 Moses, God relented.

Today, what is our molten image, which we worship in the place of God? Do we elevate sports above God, such that games and tournaments take priority over Sunday Mass or the religious education of our children?

Is money, elevated above God- whereby luxury and material objects—are desired more out of prestige than necessity? Our does our work take precedent over God?

Perhaps, some worship the image of power, used to control others, forgetting a leader is a servant- in imitation of Jesus, who came to serve, rather than be served.

Do not the golden images of power, money, and prestige all have in common the desire for glory, which is why the Jews rejected Jesus in the Gospel? They wanted a glorious Messiah, rather than a poor suffering servant, who carried a rugged old cross, and gave His life for the ransom of many. They wanted a king to rule, rather than a servant.

Religious life, whereby one takes vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience is in stark contrast to society, which encourages desire for power, money, and prestige. In religious life, one seeks a hidden life—consecrated to God, rather than worldly glamour. In religious life, human praise is seen as a temptation to pride, as one would prefer to be rejected, and despised. In religious life, power is found in service, by doing God’s will, laying down one’s life, for Jesus, and for His people. Therefore, religious life contradicts a society--- imbued with the idols of power, money, and human praise. It bears witness to everyone’s call to radically follow Jesus and worship Him.

May Mary, our Mother, obtain for us a heart of charity, a life of service, and humility, so as to worship Her Son, as the one true God in Spirit and in Truth!

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