Thursday, April 21, 2022

Easter Friday


The apostles went to Galilee because Jesus told them to go there. They were expecting to see Him, and were likewise expecting to be clothed with power from on high. Until these things would happen, Peter and the disciples decided to go fishing.

The apostles had been fishing all night and caught nothing. But when Jesus told them to throw out their nets, they caught 153 fish. Like true fisherman, they counted each fish, one by one, so they could tell others, how many had been caught.

Immediately, when the nets were filled with fish, John recognized the Lord. He said, “It’s the Lord!” Peter’s reaction is a bit humorous. He put on his cloak and jumped into the water to go and meet Jesus on the shore.

Much to their surprise, Our Lord had been cooking breakfast for them. He gave them baked fish to eat. They were probably hungry and tired-- since they had been fishing all night and had caught nothing.

All of the apostles knew beyond doubt, that they were not responsible for catching the fish. It was the Lord who told them to throw the nets over the side of the boat. They had fished all night and had caught nothing. They come to understand, they would become an instrument of the Lord--- catching something other than fish.

Just as Jesus would use the apostles to catch a large number of fish, so Our Divine Lord would use the apostles to catch, not fish, but men and women, who would become His followers. Today, let us pray that we will recognize the Lord and jump into the water of our faith--- and follow the Lord, so that we too may become fisher’s of men.

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