Sunday, April 3, 2022

5th Monday of Lent - Susanna & Blessed Alexandrina


 In the first reading today, two men, whose hearts were filled with lust, were so evil, they were willing to have Susanna killed unless they had their way with her. But, due to her loyalty to God and wanting to keep her purity unstained, she would not have relations with them and would not tell a lie, which could have saved her life.

Daniel came to her rescue and revealed the evil plot of the two dirty old men. They ended up being killed because of their lies and intention to have an innocent woman killed, for the sake of their lust.

A young girl from Portugal, by the name of Alexandrina da Costa, was attacked by a young man, who likewise wanted to have his way with her. On Holy Saturday, in 1918, instead of allowing him to harm her, she jumped out of a second story window, resulting in her being paralyzed the rest of her life. Over 20 years later, on Good Friday, 1942, Alexandrina- was no longer able to eat any food except the Holy Eucharist. This miracle continued for 13 years and seven months until her death. Concerning her living on the Eucharist alone, Jesus told her in an ecstasy: “You will not take food again on earth. Your food will be My Flesh ; your blood will be My Divine Blood, your life will be My Life. You receive it from me when I unite My Heart to your heart. Do not fear, my daughter….”

Today, let us resolve to do everything possible to not sin, trusting in the Lord, that no matter how hard the circumstances of life, we will value our soul, more than our body by being faithful to Jesus.

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