Thursday, April 7, 2022

5th Friday of Lent


Our first reading today tells us about Jeremiah who suffers persecution from other people even from his own friends. And for this reason he prays to God. He knows too that God will answer his cry to Him. He expects that God will take revenge against this wicked people.

In a similar manner, Jesus in today’s gospel, faces the same situation. In our first reading, Jeremiah expects God might take revenge against the wicked people. Jesus, on the other hand, prays not for revenge, but He brings redemption and salvation to those who persecute Him. He does good to His people. He humbles Himself even more by telling them even if they don’t believe in Him to at least believe in His works. He asks them to realize the love His Father has for them. But what is their response? In response to what Jesus said to them, they do not listen to Him, and even try to arrest Him in order to kill Him because He makes Himself to be God. This is blasphemy. And blasphemy is one of the three sins or crimes punishable by death. They get angry with Him due to His statements of His intimate association with God. Actually, everything that Jesus is stems from the Father.

Jesus experiences what Jeremiah has experienced, the same rejection, betrayal and persecution. But His response to all these is to press on to His crucifixion, death and finally, His resurrection.

In our modern society, Jesus is still rejected and even persecuted.

When it comes to Jesus Christ, C.S. Lewis said, there is only one, out of four choices, we can choose. We choose to believe--either Jesus is a fool who should be pitied by us---, or a madman who should be shunned by us--, or the devil who should be stoned and denied by us, ---or the Lord who should be adored and worshiped by us.

For us we believe Jesus is Lord of all and our God. Let us always remember that if we see Jesus, we see God; if we listen to Jesus we listen to God; if we love Jesus we love God.

And may the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God pray for us that we listen to and love Jesus with all our heart.

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