Sunday, April 17, 2022

Tuesday of Easter


 In today’s Gospel, Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and much to her amazement discovers two angels sitting there. One angel sat at the feet of where the body of Jesus had been laid and the other at the head. Can you imagine seeing two angels in a tomb? First of all, it would be scary to go all alone inside of a tomb and early in the morning, no one would expect to find two angels sitting there.

The angels said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She responds, “They have taken away my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid Him” Certainly, they would have known why she was weeping. After all, they were sent there by God to help her discover that Jesus had risen. Yet they wanted her to recall that Jesus had said He would rise on the third day. However, she had not yet understood that Jesus had risen. Mary Magdalene turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not recognize Him. Perhaps, she failed to recognize him for several reasons. First, she wasn’t expecting to see Him alive. Second, her eyes may have been filled with tears—such that it would have been difficult to see clearly who was standing there. Third. Our Lord would have looked different, because now He had a resurrected body.

Our Lord lovingly asked the same question as the angels. He said, “Woman, why are you weeping?” Who are you looking for?” She thought Jesus was the gardener of the cemetery, and so, she said, “Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take Him.”

Can you imagine, a frail woman offering to carry the body of a dead man? There is no way she could not have carried the body of Jesus herself. Yet, she had spoken with her heart and not with her mind; because all she was thinking about--- was the One she loved.

When Our Risen Lord, spoke her name, “Mary!”, it was then-- Mary Magdalene finally recognized Jesus. She was very familiar with the way Jesus said her name-- because she was a friend of His. Ever since Our Divine Lord forgave her many and very grievous sins, she followed Him whenever it was possible to do so.

Until Jesus forgave her sins, Mary most likely was the worst of sinners. However, once forgiven, she become a faithful disciple, and even stood at the foot of the Cross. Because she had been forgiven much, she in return--- loved Him much.

It was most likely for this reason; Our Lord appeared to her first. He didn’t first appear to Peter, the head of the apostles, or to the other apostles, but to Mary Magdalene. And then He asked her to announce to the apostles, that He had risen, and was going to His Father and their Father.

Today, after we come forward to receive Holy Communion, and then return to our pews, let us silently close our eyes and listen to Jesus—who will be within our heart.

And perhaps, we may hear, Our Risen Lord call us by name---- because we desire to love Him as Mary Magdalene loved Him, by being a faithful disciple, —even to standing at the foot of His Cross.

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