Monday, April 18, 2022

Holy Tuesday Pentecost

 Be Bold, and Speak Truth. | A Future Free

In the first reading Peter had just received the gift of the Holy Spirit with the other apostles and the Virgin Mary in the upper room and now Peter is not afraid to proclaim the truth. He said, “Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” And also said Jesus rose from the dead.

The Baltimore Catechism states that when we commit a mortal sin renew the Passion of Jesus in our time and participate in the crucifixion of Jesus. We all help nail Jesus to the Cross and after He has died we take the lance and stab the dead body of Jesus and gaze upon it as blood and water gush out. We all participated in the death of our Savior.

Have you ever stood up and told someone to their face that he or she has done something seriously wrong? Its like standing outside an abortion clinic and telling the person who is going inside, Stop what you are doing! You are going to kill your son or daughter. Please let us help you to allow your child to live.” Or its like telling a drug dealer. “Stop dealing drugs, you are helping to make young people addicted to drugs and ruining their lives.” Or a priest standing before a congregation like Fr. Boor who looked out over the crowd and said to the immodestly dressed women, “Ladies you need to wear modest clothing, you look like a bunch of hookers.”

When we are confronted with our sins, if we cooperate with God’s grace, we will repent of our them and ask God forgiveness and then change our life.

Today, let us pray that God will give all mankind the grace to repent of all sins and come to Jesus to receive His infinite mercy. And may Mary our Mother, whose Heart was pierced at the foot of the Cross, so that the thoughts of hearts may be revealed, cause an out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the followers of Jesus to boldly proclaim the truth to help people live lives in accord with the Christian way.

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