Thursday, April 7, 2022

Palm Sunday - Passion of Jesus & Forgivness


Click Here for the Audio Podcast

By listening to the sufferings and death of Jesus, it reminds us of His deep and unimaginable love for us, so that our sins could be forgiven and to teach us to love and forgive one another.

At the Oscars Will Smith became angry at Chris Rock, who made a joke about his wife. In return, he walked up to him and slapped him in the face. It was a hard lesson for both of them. Chris learned any joke that puts down someone is always a bad joke. Will Smith learned it would have been better if he would have calmly asked him to apologize to his wife, rather than allow his emotions to control his behavior or they could have just walked out. The question is, after this happened, did each apologize to each other and forgive one another? Did either of them ask the Lord to forgive them? Later Will Smith wept over his behavior. He certainly regretted it.

The misery of a man who tells bad jokes that hurts others and the misery of one who loses his temper, shows how human we all are. But God meets us in our misery, and is ready to bestow His mercy. He is infinitely merciful. Its an act of mercy to alleviate the misery of a sinner, by forgiving those who hurt God.

Jesus wants us to come to Him to have our sins forgiven and we do that especially in Confession. Sometimes its difficult for us to forgive someone who deeply hurt us. Forgiveness does not mean the bad action was okay. It does not mean we should have warm feelings about the person who hurt us. Rather, forgiveness it is an act of the will-- it a choice to let go of the hurt and to will the good of the other. Demons feed off of unforgiveness and unforgiveness blocks graces God wants to give us. If we don’t forgive the person who hurt us, we allow the other person to control us. Rather, by forgiveness, we let the person go who harmed us by giving them to God, and it opens our heart for God’s healing and we are set free.

Sometimes we can make the act of the will and choose to forgive someone, but then later when we recall the event that hurt us, we have bad thoughts and feelings. And we may wrongly think, we haven’t forgiven. But, we shouldn’t go by our feelings and emotions. Before the fall, Adam and Eve controlled their emotions perfectly. But after the fall, they couldn't, nor can we. We can’t allow our emotions to control us, rather we go by our choice to forgive and once we make the act of forgiveness, we have forgiven. But it takes time for our emotions to be healed and catch up with our choice to forgive. Once we make the choice to forgive, we need to avoid thinking of the event that caused us harm. And if an angry thought comes later, we ignore it, because we have forgiven. We have to remind ourselves, “I have forgiven”.

On the Cross, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He made an excuse for us, who hurt Him by our sins. And this is what we need to do. To make an excuse for others. We don’t excuse the wrong behavior that harmed us. Rather we excuse why the person did the wrong act.

For example, Chris Rock could say this about Will Smith, “Lord forgive him, for he didn’t mean what he did. Perhaps, he was sick or had a headache or maybe he had too much to drink, or may be his home life-- as a child--- caused him to easily lose his temper.”

St. Francis Paola, said this about forgiveness and the Passion of Jesus. “Fix your minds, then, on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Inflamed with love for us, He came down from heaven to redeem us. For our sake He endured every torment of body and soul and shrank from no bodily pain. He Himself gave us an example of perfect patience and love. We, then, are to be patient in adversity. Put aside your hatred and animosity. Pardon one another so that later on you will not remember the injury. The recollection of an injury is itself wrong. It adds to our anger, nurtures our sin and hates what is good. It is a rusty arrow and poison for the soul. Be peace-loving. Peace is a precious treasure to be sought with great zeal. You must change your life, therefore, so that God in His mercy will pardon you. Be converted, then, with a sincere heart. Live your life that you may receive the blessing of the Lord. Then the peace of God our Father will be with you always.”

In conclusion, I would like to do something a bit unusual. What I ask you to do is recall all those who have hurt you and who you need to forgive. Think of their names. Then we will make an act of forgiveness by repeating the words I give you. So now think for a few minutes about those who have hurt you. Now repeat after me:

In the name of Jesus Christ, I willingly forgive anyone who has hurt or harmed me (including N. N. N). (I forgive them from the bottom of my heart and ask God to bless them.) (3 Times)


I witness your forgiveness. I ask God to heal any unforgiveness and any inner wounds and trauma. May God heal you and all those who hurt you. May you be released from any dysfunctional attachments, be healed in your heart, and set free in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus may you be healed. In the name of Jesus, be at peace. Thank you Jesus for your suffering and death and for helping us to forgive. Please Lord forgive my unforgiveness. O Mary, Our Mother, who forgave us at the foot of the Cross of your Son, pray for us. Amen.

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