Monday, April 25, 2022

2nd Tuesday of Easter


 “The wind blows where it wills and you can hear the sound it makes, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it goes.”

With these words, Jesus teaches Nicodemus, the Holy Spirit is invisible and imperceptible, by the senses. We cannot know how the Spirit begins, or how it ends, but we only hear, of its effects by externally seeing, what it does. It is no wonder than that one cannot understand it. The Holy Spirit is heard by in the wonderful effects and conversions brought about, by His invisible grace, and secret inspirations. Heroes from the Old and New Testament such as Samson, and St. Paul were transformed into new men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Today, the Holy Spirit continues to blow where it wills, in the secret of the hearts of men.

The Holy Spirit continues to form men and women to become saints. He brings about the conversion of ordinary people through ordinary circumstances. Often times we judge people by their exterior actions, but really have no idea how the Holy Spirit is working in their lives, changing their heart, moving them to do works of charity, inspiring them to love their neighbor and forgive those who have hurt them. In silence, the Spirit is moving as it wills.

Let us pray, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church. May She intercede on behalf of the world and the Church, that Her spouse, the Holy Spirit, will enlighten the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests to help them bear witness to the truth of the Gospel and may the Spirit bring about a new Pentecost in the Church, raising up religious brothers and sisters and ordinary men and women laymen to help bring about a springtime of faith in the Church, clearing away the dross and bringing about those, who are willing to lay down their lives for the truth in the midst of darkness and evil.

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