Thursday, December 16, 2021

December 17th - Genealogy of Jesus


Today’s Gospel has the long list of ancestor’s of Joseph, who was from the house of David. Matthew gives us this list for a reason. The Jews believed that the promised Messiah would come from the house of David. And so, Matthew lists--- all of the ancestor’s of Joseph---show that he was from the house of David and therefore, Jesus is the Messiah.

While Joseph is not the biological father of Jesus, the Jews did treat step-sons the same as though the child was one’s own son and had all the rights of inheritance associated with being a biological son.

In this lineage we discover the name of Joseph’s father, who was Jacob, and Joseph’s grandfather, who was Mathan. Many of us are proud of our ancestors and our linage. As Christmas draws near, we should think about and pray for our deceased relatives. Perhaps, a beautiful gift for them, would be to remember them in our prayers, or we can have a Mass offered for them, and give them the best Christmas gift ever, which is help them to enter the gates of paradise after suffering many years in purgatory.

May Our Blessed Mother, help us to know who to pray for and give us the inspiration to help those who may be waiting at the pearly gates, but are in need of our prayers.

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