Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Dec. 22nd - My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Today’s Gospel is Mary’s Magnificat. The very first line says, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.” Another translation says, “My soul magnifies the Lord”.

At times some people have difficulty praying to Mary because they think when they pray to Her, She takes away from Jesus and that they ignore Him when they pray to Her. But She in no way takes anything from Jesus, but only brings Him into greater focus.

For truly Mary’s soul magnifies Lord. She makes clearer who He is and all that He does for us. When we pray to Her, She magnifies our prayers when She presents them to Jesus, She takes our weak and imperfect words, sort of like a dish with radishes and onions and she dresses up the dish to make it look like a plate full of food dazzling to the eyes and delicious for the stomach.

When anyone has difficulty reading if we take a magnifying glass, we see more clearer the words and so Mary, makes clearer Jesus, the Eternal Word.

What all of us should do is to draw ever close to Mary, by consecrating our selves to He often and by praying to Her frequently, for by doing so, our soul will become more and more like Mary’s soul. Our soul will too magnify the Lord, so that when people see us, they will see Jesus more clearly. And all will come to know that He who is mighty has done great things for us, and holy is His name.

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