Thursday, December 30, 2021

Dec. 31st - The Word Made Flesh

 And the Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us!

The first chapter of the Gospel of John, describes the Eternal Word, who is Jesus, come into flesh to dwell among us. The angel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin Mary, announcing She would conceive and bear a Son and name Him Jesus. Immediately after the Blessed Virgin gave Her fiat, the Holy Spirit descended upon Her and Jesus the almighty, infinite, all-powerful God, who is the Son of the Eternal Father and called the Eternal Word, took upon flesh in Mary’s womb. From Mary’s womb, Jesus received His flesh and blood, that would become His body, with hands, feet and a beating Heart, which would be pierced on the Cross.

On Christmas day, and throughout the Christmas Season, we celebrate the birthday of Jesus, when His flesh became visible for all mankind in the arms of the Perpetual Virgin Mary, His Mother.

The Eternal Word, became flesh in the womb of Mary, born in Bethlehem, and was placed in a manger in swaddling clothes, now becomes present on the altar, here and in every Catholic Church in the world.

Dear friends, the Eucharist is the Light of the World. The Eucharist is the Life. The Eucharist is the Lamb of God. The Eucharist is the Eternal Word, which becomes flesh and dwells among us! In the Eucharist, we can see the glory of the only-begotten Son, which is the glory of the Father, full of grace and truth. So today, let the Heavens Be Glad and the Earth Rejoice, because the Eternal Word has come to dwell among us in the Eucharist. And let us come to Our Eucharistic God, so that we live in His Life, walk in His Light, in the arms of His Mother Mary!

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