Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Dec. 30th - St. Anna


Due to Anna’s faithfulness, she received the most beautiful gift of seeing the Christ Child in temple. She was 84 years old and a widow. Perhaps because she no longer had a husband and family, she spent night and day in the temple worshiping and fasting and was greatly rewarded. Like Simeon, she had been holding vigil in fasting and prayer in anticipation of the promise of her seeing the Messiah being presented in the temple.

After she saw the baby Jesus and heard what Simeon had said, she gave thanks to God and then spoke about all who were awaiting the redemption. You can just imagine her happiness when she finally recognized the coming of the Messiah being carried by His parents, Joseph and Mary.

Like any other Jew, they were longing for His coming not only for their own peace but also for Israel. While many Jews saw the coming as freedom from foreign rule, Anna (and Simeon) saw deeper. It was not a coming to address Israel’s captivity and enslavement. It was a coming to save mankind from the bondage of sin. Indeed, it is a cause of great joy and fulfillment.

Her faithfulness is a lesson for all of us. Many of you who come to daily Mass are very faithful and Our Lord rewards you every time you come to church, by giving Himself to you in Holy Communion, which Anna, the prophetess was never able to do.

She saw Him and held Him in her arms. We are unable to see Him in the Eucharist, and we are able to receive Jesus into our hearts, which Anna was not able to do.

Today, after we receive Holy Communion, let us close our eyes and gaze upon the infant Jesus, who has come inside and may we like Anna, thank Him and then when we leave Mass –go out and speak about Our Lord’s redemption to others. In this way, we can bring the Infant Jesus to everyone we meet.

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