Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dec. 10th - Our Lady of Loreto

 Today is the memorial of Our Lady of Loreto, where the house of Nazareth (the Holy House) was transferred miraculously by angels.

When in 1291, infidels became possessors of the Holy Land. Christians were driven out of it and pilgrims were no longer permitted to visit the holy house. But God wrought a miracle to protect it. On the night May 9th, the holy house was suddenly taken from the ground on which it had stood for more than twelve hundred years, and lifted through the temple erected over it, which parted in the middle, and it was carried by the Angels over land and sea, from Galilee to Dalmatia not far from the Adriatic sea.

Early in the morning the following day, some people saw this unknown little chapel and informed the inhabitants. Alexander, the ecclesiastical Superior of Tersatto was very ill and greatly desired to know where it came from. During his fervent prayers, the Divine Mother appeared to him, informed him of what he desired to know and said that his improved health would be proof of what She said. Alexander awoke, found himself perfectly restored, left his bed, and gave due thanks to God and the Queen of heaven for the grace which had been bestowed upon him. He went through all the streets of the town and announced to the people the revelation which he had that night and, followed by all the inhabitants of the place, he went full of heartfelt devotion to the holy house and prostrated himself and gave humble thanks to God.

The Governor of Dalmatia sent four respectable men to Nazareth in Galilee. The deputies measured the length and breadth of the place where the holy house had stood, and the width of the foundation, and found that all corresponded exactly with the chapel.

God wrought many miracles for the sick who took refuge within the holy walls of the house. But three years and seven months passed, when the holy house was taken from them. It was carried by Angels over the Adriatic sea, and arrived in Italy, surrounded by a heavenly light, in December, 1294. The Sovereign Pontiff decreed that the 10th of December, the day on which this happened, should be yearly commemorated in Italy. The spot where the holy chapel had placed itself, belonged to a widow named Lauretta, from which the house was afterwards called the House of Loretto. Some pious shepherds had seen this miraculous transfer of the Holy House. When this became known, on the following day, every one ran to the Holy House. The many miracles which took place there drew a multitude of pilgrims. However, some godless men took the opportunity to attack, plunder and even kill many of the pilgrims.

Due to this event, angels took it again, and placed it nearer to the town of Recanati, where it rested on a hill. The inhabitants of Recanati sent a special deputation, first to Dalmatia, and thence to Nazareth in Galilee, to investigate the truth of all that had been told them with regard to the little chapel. At their, there was no longer any doubt it was the Holy House of Nazareth, where the Virgin Mother had been born; where she had received the greeting of the Angel, and where the only Son of God had become man. It may be said that there is not a fact to be found in the history of the Church, which has been more thoroughly investigated than this one.

Today, let us rejoice in God’s miracles of sending angels from heaven to protect the Holy House and preserve it in honor of the miraculous and ordinary events that took place within it. And may Our Lady of Loreto intercede for us to protect our families and our homes.

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