Monday, November 1, 2021

Nov. 2nd - All Souls Day

 Today is all Souls Day. As Catholics we believe in purgatory as mentioned in the book of Maccabees: “It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins". (2 Maccabees 12:43-46) We also believe no one may enter eternal life-- without being purified from all sin. A soul stained by venial sin cannot enter the dwelling place of heaven, because God’s dwelling place is perfectly pure.

At the moment of our judgment, our soul will go to one of three places, heaven, hell or purgatory, and if we go to purgatory we will eventually go to heaven. At our judgment, we will gaze upon the face of the most holy and pure Lord Jesus Christ and see the imperfections of our soul and the need for our soul to be purified before entering heaven. We will see how all our venial sins have hurt God, hurt others and hurt our self and our need to make reparation for our sins.

When we go to confession and receive a penance, the penance we receive is just a token to help us make up for what we have done. That’s why we are to do penance for our sins throughout our entire life.

The moment of our death can be very scary. If we failed to do the penance necessary, which would have purified our soul to enter heaven, we could suffer in purgatory for a long long time, or worse yet, if we have committed a mortal sin, and are unrepentant of it, we will be lost for all eternity. Are we ready for our judgement?

The souls in purgatory were somewhat ready for their death. When they went to their judgment they had a glimpse of heaven and are suffering in the flames of purgatory, their greatest desire is to be with Jesus.

Some say if I just make it purgatory I will be happy, but St. Augustine said, “In purgatory, the soul experiences intense suffering, due to the kind of flame, more painful than anything one may suffer in this life.” And St. Teresa of Avila said, “How sweet will death be for the person who has fully repented of all personal sins and can leap over purgatory”.

To bring refreshment to the souls in purgatory and shorten their time, we can offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for them on special days of our faithful departed. We can also offer up our Holy Communions for particular souls. We can pray personal prayers for them, especially the rosary or making the Way of the Cross. We can also offer up our works, sacrifices and sufferings for particular souls.

Once I visited a homebound parishioner who was in great pain. She told me she offers up all her suffering for the poor souls in purgatory. She said, “I pray to Jesus and say, Lord I offer up all my pain and suffering for the poor souls in purgatory, that they may enjoy heaven.” I told her that her suffering and prayer were powerful and they are praying for her as well.

We can also obtain indulgences for them. We can offer up our daily duty done with love and devotion. We can offer up our little sacrifices, annoyances and the accepting our crosses, for particular souls. The ancient practice of sprinkling holy water to relieve their suffering is praiseworthy.

I think if the souls in purgatory could speak to us, they would tell us, “When you come to Mass think of me, when you receive Holy Communion offer it up for me and please most especially offer the intention of the Holy Sacrifice for my soul, that I may have relief from my terrible sufferings. How I wish I would have done penance for my sins. You cannot know the joy you will have at your judgment for the penance you did while on earth.”

During this month of November dedicated to the Holy Souls of Purgatory strive every day this month to pray for them and be assured they will be praying for you. May Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Souls, deliver them quickly from their torments and May perpetual light shine upon all them, and may the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace!

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