Thursday, November 18, 2021

Jesus Wept

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  "U.S. bishops dodge rebuke of Biden in statement on communion"The doctrine does not mention Joe Biden or any politician who supports abortion by name nor comment on whether public figures should receive communion." Politico

 “Catholic bishops approve document that falls short of denying Communion to Biden or other politicians who support abortion rights.” CNN

Today's Gospel

As Jesus drew near Jerusalem,
he saw the city and wept over it, saying,
“If this day you only knew what makes for peace–
but now it is hidden from your eyes.
For the days are coming upon you
when your enemies will raise a palisade against you;
they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides.
They will smash you to the ground and your children within you,
and they will not leave one stone upon another within you
 because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.” (Luke 19:41-44)

Can. 915 "Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion."

 Cardinal Ratzinger, in his memorandum entitled "Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion - General Principles," said without ambiguity: "The minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it" when warning and counsel given to the manifest sinner "have not had their effect."

 The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops voted overwhelmingly to accept the document “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church" during the morning session of the fall USCCB meeting on Nov. 17, 2021.The vote, which is held in a secret electronic ballot, was 222 in favor to eight against, with three abstentions. Catholic News Agency

                      222 to 8  (3 abstained)

 Luke 18:8 “But, when the Son of Man comes, will He find that faith on earth?”

"Catholic Bishops Avoid Confrontation With Biden Over Communion." New York Times

"U.S. Catholic bishops pass communion document without direct rebuke of Biden" Reuters

"U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops approves Communion document without singling out politicians who back abortion rights" Washington Post

US bishops to discuss Communion ban for Biden, left-wing politicians with  'antithetical' views | Fox NewsPodcast: The Vatican steps into debate over Biden receiving Communion |  America Magazine

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