Monday, November 22, 2021

Nov. 23rd - Blessed Miguel Pro

Vivo Christo Rey” “Long Live Christ the King”

Today, we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Miguel Pro, a priest martyr in Mexico, who valiantly proclaimed “Long Live Christ the King”, moments before he died.

He was one of eleven children and born in Guadalupe, Mexico. As a youth, he had a great sense of humor and was a practical joker. As a young man, he accidentally switched the letter of his girlfriend, with a letter to his mother. This providentially caused him to break up with his girlfriend, and resulted in him pursuing the priesthood. As a child, he would disguise himself as a priest, and went about preaching, which would later prove to be ironic.

Because he was forced to flee Mexico due to religious persecution, he was ordained as a Jesuit priest in Belgium in 1925. He returned a year later to minister to his native people. He had a great love for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and had great devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Despite his illness and the fierce persecution from the government, which forbid all worship, he continued to minister to the faithful with great courage and zeal.

He disguised himself as a layman, so he could administer the sacraments secretly. By wearing regular clothes, he was able to go about the city giving Holy Communion. He distributed Holy Communion to 1,300 people in a singe day. He said, “Preached on my brother’s bicycle, I go down these roads of God like a horse possessed by the devil, always in danger of death because the cabdrivers here in Mexico are extremely reckless.” Despite the danger of getting caught by the police, he continued to administer the sacraments and was arrested several times.

Jesus reminded His disciples of future persecutions to come, including the one in Mexico. Jesus said to His disciples, some will be put to death; others seized; and persecuted to be handed over; and put into prisons. Our Lord said, “I myself will give you wisdom in speaking, that all adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute”.

In 1927, after a bomb exploded, aimed at killing the president, Fr. Miguel was arrested but had nothing to do with it. He had no trial. And moments before he was shot, the Holy Spirit gave him wisdom to speak to his adversaries. A remarkable photograph was taken just before his death. With arms outstretched, his last words were, “Vivo Christo Rey”, “Long live Christ the King”.

Now, let us ask Mary, the Queen of Heaven, to help us receive Christ, the Eucharistic King, with great love and devotion, so that He may reign, as King of our Hearts!

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