Thursday, November 25, 2021

34th Friday - Fig Tree


In the Gospel today, Jesus spoke of the fig tree, which was very common in the area in which the people lived at that time. He said, “When buds burst open, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near, in the same way you see these things happening know that the Kingdom of God is near.” Our Lord uses this parable to explain that it should be easy to see the kingdom of God and natural to see it as well. If everyone can see a fig tree blossom, then everyone can see the kingdom of God among them and so come to realize the Kingdom of God is near.

The fruit of what Jesus was doing was proof that the Kingdom of God was very near. The healing of the sick, the expelling of demons, miracles, and His forgiving of sins, all were signs that the Kingdom of God was blossoming among them. But most importantly, they could come to understand that the Kingdom of God was very near, because He Himself was present among them.

Today, what are the signs that the Kingdom of God is among us? What is blossoming for all to see? Perhaps, we can point to the fact that we have continuous Eucharistic adoration is a sign that the Kingdom of God is near and among us. Our Lord’s true presence in the Eucharist is the ultimate sign that the Kingdom of God is near and among us.

People, who devote themselves to praying one hour before Our Lord’s true presence in the Eucharist, attest to this fact. Adorers are a sign that the Kingdom of God is near as they come to adore Jesus in the Eucharist, they bow down before the King and pray for their own needs, the needs of their family and friends, the needs of the parish, and the needs of the whole world. And people who come to know we are praying before Jesus in the Eucharist will see for themselves that the Kingdom of God is near. We become the blossoming fruit.

As we come to receive to Holy Communion, may all discover the Kingdom of God is among us, and is very near to us in the Eucharist, because God Himself is with us!

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