Thursday, November 18, 2021

33rd Friday

  Jesus Clears the Temple - John 2:13-23 - Marg Mowczko

In the Gospel Jesus drove out those who were selling things in the temple area and He said it was making His Father’s house, a den of thieves. What was actually happening was people were selling doves and changing money from Jewish money to Roman money, so they could purchase animals that could be used for sacrifice, which was necessary. But they were doing it in the temple, rather than outside of the temple. The money changers were cheating the people during the exchange of money, which was repulsive to God and to even do so in His Father’s house.

Our Lord had just anger. An anger which is the result of an injustice. First it was an injustice to His Father, but it was also an injustice to the people who were being cheated.

If I had to imagine what kind of things Our Lord would be displeased with regard to churches today. I think the greatest offensive in God’s house are people who receive Holy Communion sacrilegiously, due to some mortal sin they committed, but out of fear, or out laziness, or don’t confess their moral sins before receiving Holy Communion.

Fridays are always a reminder for to make reparation for sins committed against the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Today, let us pray God will inspire all those who have offended Our Lord by receiving Holy Communion unworthily, will come to Jesus in confession and ask pardon and mercy.

And let us ask the Virgin Mary, to keep our hearts pure, so that they may be fitting temples for the King, who comes to dwell within our hearts in Holy Communion.


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