Sunday, November 28, 2021

1st Monday of Advent


In the Gospel today, Jesus helps us to see how the centurion is a witness to faith. Despite the fact that the centurion is a gentile and not a Jew, he believes the Lord needs to only say the word and his servant shall be healed.
Back then it was known by everyone gentiles were not permitted to enter the houses of Jews nor could they enter into the temple otherwise their home or the temple would be defiled by a pagan. The centurion’s words, “Lord I am not worthy that thou should enter under my roof”, shows the centurion’s respect for Jewish beliefs, but also his humility in his belief that Jesus is someone of great importance and can do whatever He pleases. He only needs to say the word and it will be done.

And so that is why the Church desires Catholics to say the words of the centurion before receiving Holy Communion. For truly as sinners we are defiled by our sins (and cannot even receive Jesus in Holy Communion if we have committed a mortal sin, unless we first go to Confession). Yet the Lord God comes under the roof of our mouth and into the home of our heart, though unworthy we may be for even having venial sins on their soul. Our faith is like that of the centurion, we believe that the Lord can and will heal our soul paralyzed by sin, but also heal others who are unable to come to Mass and receive Holy Communion.

Who is it you want the Lord to heal of their physical or spiritual ailment today? Offer your Communion for them, though Jesus may not physically go there, at His word, they can be healed.

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