Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Sts. Marcellinus and Peter - June 2nd


Today, we celebrate the memorial of the martyrs, Marcellinus and Peter. During the persecution of Diocletian, the emperor, in 304, the roman priest Marcellinus, and an exorcist, named Peter, were apprehended and thrown into prison. While in prison, they zealously strengthened other prisoners of the faith, and also made new converts, one of which was the jailer, by the name Arthemius, as well as the jailor’s wife and daughter. All were condemned to death. Marcellinus and Peter were led to wooded area, where they were beheaded in secret, so that their place of burial would remain unknown to the Christians. However, the secret place in which they would be buried was made known by their executioner, who later became a Christian.

Since they were martyred so many years ago, you would think that their names would be long forgotten. However, God so willed that their names would be inserted in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic prayer I), and so every time the Eucharistic prayer I, is prayed, their names are said. The Lord did not want their sacrifice to be forgotten.

Today, let us imitate the martyrs Marcellinus and Peter, by steadfastly proclaiming our faith. And may the Blessed Virgin Mary help us to die to our self and so die for the sake of others in imitation of these two great saints.


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