Thursday, June 2, 2022

St. Charles Lwanga & Companions - June 3rd


 st-charles-lwanga 300x - Dominican Sisters

 Today is the memorial of St. Charles Lwanga and companions, who were martyred for the faith in Uganda, Africa.

It was from 1885 to 1887 King Mwanga lead an enormous persecution of Christians in Africa. The king had a violent temper and was known for forcing young boys into pedophile relations with him. However, St. Charles protected the boys from the king, that is, until King Mwanga’s men captured Charles and his companions. The king separated the Christians from the rest by saying, "Those who do not pray stand by me, those who do pray stand over there." The king then asked the fifteen boys and young men if they were Christians and intended to remain Christians. When they answered "Yes", the king condemned them to death.

On June 3, they were brought out, wrapped in reed mats, and placed on bundle of sticks to be burned to death. The father of one of the boys to be killed was the chief executioner. At the last minute, the father tried to change his son's mind, but the boy refused to renounce his Christian faith. The boy’s father killed his own son and twelve other Catholics, as well as eleven Anglicans. All died calling on the name of Jesus and proclaiming, "You can burn our bodies, but you cannot harm our souls."

When we hear about how the deranged king forced boys into having relations with him, we become angry at the horrible injustice as what he did to the innocent boys. How gross and disgusting. How evil and what bizarre behavior.

Yet, even greater is the sadness of the scandal caused by priests, who have caused such terrible harm to innocent victims within the Church. Only the devil could be the source of such diabolical behavior, which has caused such perversion.

Today’s memorial of St. Charles Lwanga, which falls on the First Friday of the month, is a reminder for us to make reparation for sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially for the sins of priests, who have caused such terrible harm to children.

Let us pray for the victims of clergy abuse, for the priests who committed such terrible crimes and may we offer up our Holy Communions in reparation for these sins, which so grievously wound the Heart of Jesus.

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