Friday, June 3, 2022


 Today, Holy Mother Church celebrates Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the upper room. We will first look at the history of Pentecost and then see how Mary helps us to live out the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that all can see the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit in our life.

Pentecost was one of the three great Jewish Feasts many Jews went on pilgrimage to the Holy City of Jerusalem to worship God in the temple. It was a feast of thanksgiving to God for the deliverance of the Hebrew people and for God giving the Law on Mount Sinai. In thanksgiving to God they offered the first fruits from their harvest. It was called Pentecost because it was celebrated 50 days after the Passover. Passover is when they slaughtered the lambs as sacrifice and ate the Passover meal in remembrance of the night the angel of death killed all the firstborn Egyptians causing the Hebrew people to be free from slavery and depart for the Promised Land.

It is believed the day Jesus was crucified was the feast of the Passover. When the Holy Spirit would come down upon the apostles, it gave new spiritual meaning to the Jewish Pentecost, which occurred fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection.

After Jesus ascended into heaven, the apostles and the Virgin Mary prayed for nine days in the upper room, waiting for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. When the day of Pentecost arrived, suddenly, a sound came from heaven, like a rush of mighty wind, and it filled the house they were sitting. And there appeared to them, in the form of tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit, which came down, and rested upon the Apostles, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and filled them with the Holy Spirit. They spoke in tongues such that each person heard the apostles speak in their own language. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were no longer afraid. From this day forward, they would become witnesses of the Gospel, even to the shedding of their blood as martyrs. The descent of the Holy Spirit is the birth of the Church as it begins its mission to gather all people of all nations together by the proclamation of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The Holy Spirit is the advocate who leads all people to the truth.

The Virgin Mary, the most perfect of all humans, was present in the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended upon Her and the apostles. Because She was perfect, She received the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit in a super imminent way. She is the greatest of all saints, completely free from original sin and never once sinned in Her life. If we want to grow in the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, we can ask Mary to help us. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, & fear of the Lord.

Mary is called the Seat of Wisdom, because She always sought God as Her highest good enabling Her to know the purpose and plan of Her life. She relished the things of God and directed Her whole life and actions to His glory and honor. Turning to Mary for Wisdom, we put God first in our life and see more clearly God’s will and plan for us.

The gift of Understanding caused Mary to understand Catholic teaching in a way far superior to us. If we are confused about a particular doctrine of the Church, or we want to come to have a better understanding of a particular Church teaching, or the grace to discern true and false doctrines, let us ask Our heavenly Mother for the gift of understanding.

Mary’s gift of Counsel caused Her to have the supernatural gift of prudence. The gift of counsel can help us to judge promptly and rightly what must be done in difficult circumstances. Sometimes we need help in making prudent decisions and we want to better know what is wrong and what is right, so we can ask Our Lady of Good Counsel to help us in our decisions.

Because of the gift of Fortitude Mary had the courage to endure Her seven sorrows. She had the strength to stand at the Foot of the Cross. And after He was placed in the tomb, She believed He would rise. When we are faced with difficult situations, we should turn to Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, to seek the gift of Fortitude.

The gift of knowledge “enables us to see God reflected in all creatures and to praise Him in them, but yet to see the nothingness of creatures in themselves so that we desire God alone.” The gift caused Mary to see created things as instruments for God’s service. We can appeal to Mary for help to know and love Jesus more and also come to understand the true purpose of created things are to lead us to God.

Mary’s gift of Piety caused Her to love God as Her Father, who overshadowed Her. She always sought the Father’s will in all things. She loved God first and foremost because God deserved to be loved. Perhaps we love God for the purpose of getting something from Him, not for His own sake. Mary can assist us to love God first, because He deserves to be loved as our loving and compassionate Father.

The Gift of Fear of the Lord, did not cause Mary to be afraid of God. Rather, She feared to offend Him. That is why Mary never chose to sin. When we find ourselves complacent with our sins, not striving to overcome them as we ought, we should pray to Mary, asking Her for the gift of Fear of the Lord, so we will strive to turn away from sin, so as not to offend God our loving Father.

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit will help all of us to grow in virtue. We can see the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit in those who practice the 7 gifts. The twelve fruits are: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.”

A heart overflows with charity when we serve others especially our family members, our co-workers and our neighbors doing charitable deeds no matter how small. Because we are filled with joy we never allow ourselves to get depressed. We have the fruit of peace, because we strive to be reconciled with God and with others. We seek to be patient with the faults of others because we realize we are all human and God loves us despite our sinfulness. We overlook their faults while at the same time recall that we too are sinners as we attempt to overcome them. We are kind, never rude nor snobbish. Rather, we see Jesus in everyone and treat others as we would treat Him. We have a sense goodness because we know we are created in the image of likeness of God, who is all good and we want to be good like Him. We are generous. Never selfish, and always placing the needs of others before our own. We are gentle, meek and mild with others because we recall others are gentle and kind to us when we did not deserve it. We are faithful to God, faithful to His Church, and faithful to our spouse, our family and friends. We are modest and chaste, never wearing immodest clothing in public, so as not to tempt others to sin. We guard our eyes and our thoughts seeking to be pure in mind and body. And we have self-control, doing our best to control our temper and not giving into impulses and worldly pleasures.

Today, let us turn to the Virgin Mary as our model asking Her to obtain for us the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit so that all who see us will see the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit in all that we say and do as Christians. May everyday-- be a day--- we pray to the Holy Spirit and in this way, all will see His working in our life.

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