Thursday, June 9, 2022

10th Friday- Elijah Fire Rocks Earthqauke Whispering Sound


 In the first reading we see that God is not in the heavy winds or the crashing rocks or the rending of the mountains. He was not in the fire, nor the earthquake, but rather in a tiny whispering sound.

This passage is often used to describe how God speaks to us in the silence of our heart. Sometimes, however, we expect dramatic events to help us know God is with us and loves us. Or some big event to help us to come to understand His will. He can do it in a dramatic way, but most of the time, He doesn’t.

With regard to dramatic ways. We can use several examples. Fr. Stu discovered God was with Him after His motorcycle accident. He realized God saved His life because God had a mission for Fr. Stu. We can also look to t St. Paul to see how his conversion came about through seeing the blinding light and falling to the ground and Jesus speaking to him saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

But these big events are not the ordinary way God speaks to us. Rather, He speaks to us silently in Eucharistic Adoration or after we received Holy Communion. Or perhaps our personal prayer time at home. Or maybe when we take a walk outside after a fresh rain.

These are the ordinary ways God speaks to us. So if we want to listen to His voice, all we have to do is listen in silence. We may not hear audible words, but we will hear the promptings of the heart, which move our heart to love God and neighbor.

Today, let us turn to the Virgin Mary and ask Her to be open to the tiny whispering sound of the Holy Spirit in the silence of our heart and in the ordinary events of daily life.

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