Sunday, June 5, 2022

Mary, Mother of the Church


Today is the memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, which is always to be celebrated the Monday after Pentecost, because the birth of the Church occurred on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came down upon Mary and the Apostles and formed the Church, built on Jesus, the Rock.

In the early Church the apostles often came to the Virgin Mary for advice in dealings with the needs of the Church. Mary prayed for the Apostles and the early Church.

Why would we have the Gospel reading for the Crucifixion today? In the book of Genesis, Adam was put into a deep sleep and from his side came forth his bride, Eve. On the Cross, Jesus slept the sleep of death and from His wounded side came His bride the Church.

Also at the foot of the Cross Mary became our Mother when Jesus told His Mother, “Woman behold thy son” and to John He said, “Behold thy Mother”. John stood for each of us the foot of the Cross and it is there we all took Mary into our homes, like John.

Mary is the Mother of the Church and intercedes for all Her children, keeps them under Her mantle and helps us on our journey to heaven. The Church is the body of Christ and it looks to Mary as its mother.

Just as Mary was sinless and excelled in every virtue, so the Church looks to Mary as its model. That all Christians find hope in turning to Mary to help them and the Church to be holy in imitation of Mary, the Mother of the Church.

As Mother, Mary watches over Her children. So too, Holy Mother Church watches over Her spiritual children.

Let us take refuge in the Heart of Mary as the Church goes through difficult times, trusting the Church will triumph in the end because as Jesus said, “The Gates of Hell will not prevail against Her.”

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