Monday, April 25, 2022

2nd Tuesday of Easter


 “The wind blows where it wills and you can hear the sound it makes, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it goes.”

With these words, Jesus teaches Nicodemus, the Holy Spirit is invisible and imperceptible, by the senses. We cannot know how the Spirit begins, or how it ends, but we only hear, of its effects by externally seeing, what it does. It is no wonder than that one cannot understand it. The Holy Spirit is heard by in the wonderful effects and conversions brought about, by His invisible grace, and secret inspirations. Heroes from the Old and New Testament such as Samson, and St. Paul were transformed into new men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Today, the Holy Spirit continues to blow where it wills, in the secret of the hearts of men.

The Holy Spirit continues to form men and women to become saints. He brings about the conversion of ordinary people through ordinary circumstances. Often times we judge people by their exterior actions, but really have no idea how the Holy Spirit is working in their lives, changing their heart, moving them to do works of charity, inspiring them to love their neighbor and forgive those who have hurt them. In silence, the Spirit is moving as it wills.

Let us pray, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church. May She intercede on behalf of the world and the Church, that Her spouse, the Holy Spirit, will enlighten the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests to help them bear witness to the truth of the Gospel and may the Spirit bring about a new Pentecost in the Church, raising up religious brothers and sisters and ordinary men and women laymen to help bring about a springtime of faith in the Church, clearing away the dross and bringing about those, who are willing to lay down their lives for the truth in the midst of darkness and evil.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

St. Mark - April 25th


Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Mark, the evangelist. Even though Mark was one of the four gospel writers, he wasn’t one of the 12 apostles. He was a companion of St. Peter. It is believed, he spoke with Peter to obtain information which he would include in the gospel.

Mark accompanied St. Paul and St. Barnabas on St. Paul’s first missionary journey. Mark and Barnabas were relatives. After a sharp dispute between Paul and Barnabas, Paul took Mark with him to Cyprus.

Each of the four gospel writers is portrayed by an evangelist symbol. St. Mark’s symbol is that of the winged lion, because his gospel begins with the roar of a lion as John the Baptist prepares the way of the Lord.

Mark's mother was a prominent member of the earliest group of Christians in Jerusalem; Peter came to her house when he was released from prison. The house was a meeting-place for the brethren, "many" of whom were praying there on the night Peter arrived from prison (Acts 12:12-17).

There are some traditions about St. Mark, we don’t know whether they are factual or not. For example: Some believe Mark was one of the servants at the Marriage at Cana, who poured out the water that Jesus turned to wine (John 2:1-11). Mark is also said to have been one of the Seventy Apostles sent out by Jesus (Luke 10); It is believed, he was the servant who carried water to the house where the Last Supper took place (Mark 14:13); Some thought he was the young man who ran away naked when Jesus was arrested (Mark 14:51-52); and the one who hosted the disciples in his house after the death of Jesus, where He appeared after His resurrection.

St. Mark is often called the founder of Christianity in Africa, because he was the first bishop of Alexandria, Egypt. It is believed that he performed many miracles during his life while in Egypt. He is said to have appointed a bishop, three priests, and seven deacons there. Mark left Egypt for a time, and upon his return he attempted to persuade the people to turn away from their traditional worship of the Egyptian gods.

They resented him for trying to turn them away from their gods, and accused him of being a magician since, he worked so many miracles. In 67 AD, they captured him while he was offering Mass. After which, they killed him by dragging him through the streets. They tried to burn his body. Afterwards, Christians removed his body from the ashes, wrapped it, and then buried it within the church they had built.

Today, as we celebrate the feast of St. Mark, let us strive to proclaim his gospel, by bearing witness, through our life of virtue in imitation of Our Lady of all Virtues, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Divine Mercy Sunday

Our Father, Son of Man | The Divine Mercy

Click Here for: Audio Podcast

This weekend is the Feast of Divine Mercy. In the Gospel today a good number of important things occurred. First. Jesus appeared to the 10 apostles, without Thomas, who was absent at the time. He showed them His hands and feet and side. Second. Jesus breathed on them saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” This action empowered the Apostles to forgive sins through the sacrament of Confession.

After Jesus departed, Thomas arrived and declared He will not believe Jesus came unless He sees the nail marks in His hands, feet and side. Now a week later, Thomas is with the other 10 when Jesus appeared again. Although the doors were locked, Jesus stood in their midst and said, “Peace be with you.” and then He told Thomas to put his finger in the wounds in His hand and in His side. And then Thomas makes His famous statement declaring the divinity of Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”

Thomas bears witness to the physical presence of Jesus and His divinity. Jesus is God! It was really Him and not a ghost, not an apparition and not only a spiritual presence. He and the other apostles experienced Jesus in His resurrected body, which is a physical body that can be touched. But how could someone with a physical body enter a locked room?

The resurrected body of Jesus had what is called subtility, which means a physical resurrected body can pass through a solid substance like a door or a wall, and yet its a real physical body. At the General Resurrection, we will also get a new resurrected body and will have subtility and be able to pass through physical walls and substances, even though we too will have a physical body.

This is also true with regard to the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist is not only the spiritual presence of Jesus. Its His body, blood, soul and divinity. His entire human and divine natures are present in the Eucharist. In the Eucharist is the resurrected and living body of Jesus. Not a hunk of flesh, but a person. We can’t have a relationship with a hunk of flesh, but a person. When we receive Holy Communion, Jesus passes through our body and we become one with Him.

There is a Catholic tradition where some people in their heart will say the words of St. Thomas when the Host is elevated above the altar, “My Lord and my God!” declaring our faith in the presence of Jesus, who is God in the Eucharist.

Today’s feast of Divine Mercy points to the importance to the sacrament of Baptism, Confession and the Holy Eucharist. But let us first look at the devotion originated.

In February of 1931, Sr. Faustina, a Polish nun, had an apparition of Jesus, which is different than how Jesus appeared to the Apostles. Our Lord was dressed in a white garment. He held one hand raised-- in blessing and the other hand touching his garment at his chest. From the point on his garment two rays of light emanated (one red and the other white).

Jesus said, “Paint a picture according to the vision you see and with the signature, ‘Jesus I trust in You!’ I desire that this picture be venerated first in your chapel and then throughout the whole world.” Later Jesus explained, “The rays represent the Blood and Water which gushed forth from the depths of my Mercy when My agonizing heart was pierced on the cross. The pale rays symbolize the water which cleanses and purifies the soul: the red rays represent the blood, which gives new life to the soul.” Today, we come to understand, the white rays represent baptism, and the red rays represent the Eucharist as fonts of mercy. The Divine Mercy picture we have in the church is the image Jesus wants venerated, especially on the Feast of Divine Mercy.

Jesus asked Sr. Faustina that the Sunday after Easter be celebrated as a Feast of Mercy. Jesus promised those who go to confession and receive Holy Communion would obtain a complete remission of all sin and all punishment due to sin.

A cardinal of Poland- in charge of the devotion-- said the Lenten confession is sufficient for the requirement, and if not currently in mortal sin.

Another priest from Poland, Canon Rozycki, came to the conclusion that the extraordinary grace promised by Jesus on the Feast of Mercy is a gift of grace equaled only by the grace of Baptism. Therefore, on Divine Mercy Sunday, our soul becomes like it had been at the moment it was baptized and after receiving Holy Communion, if we would die, we would go straight to heaven.

The soul of a man who was away from the Church for 50 years and comes to Confession and receives Holy Communion on this weekend and the soul of a person who regularly confesses on a monthly basis, have the same results today. Their sins are forgiven, and the punishment of their sins are forgiven and so their souls become like they were at the moment of baptism and if either would die immediately after receiving Holy Communion, they both would go straight to heaven.

When we dip our hand into the holy water font, and bless our self, we can obtain the forgiveness of our venial sins. And when we receive Holy Communion, our venial sins are also forgiven. This shows that God grants special graces to us through holy water and the Eucharist. Baptism washes away original sin, personal sin and the punishment due to sin. And the effects of Holy Water after baptism can wash away venial sin.

Jesus asked Sr. Faustina that the Sunday after Easter be celebrated as a Feast of Mercy and be preceded by a novena beginning on Good Friday. Our Lord told St. Faustina, #699, On that day, the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.”

So the Divine Mercy devotion goes beyond the forgiveness of venial sins. When we receive Holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday, the punishment of all sin is washed away as well. So all purgatory time is eliminated.

This feast was established by Saint Pope John Paul II in 2000 and is now the Sunday after Easter every year. With regard to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Sr. Faustina saw an angel about to execute God’s punishment on a city. She prayed for mercy but her prayers were without effect. Then suddenly she heard this prayer, “Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.” which caused the angel to lose its power to punish the city. It was later revealed to Sr. Faustina, the reason why God was going to punish the city, was because of the sin of abortion.

With this prayer, as well as the prayer, “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world”, it’s called the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Jesus said, “Say unceasingly this chaplet. Anyone who says it will receive great mercy at the hour of death. Priests will recommend it to sinners as a last hope. If the most hardened sinner recites this chaplet even once, they will receive grace from my infinite mercy. I want the whole world to know my infinite mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to those who trust in my mercy.” Jesus also said, “I desire the confidence of my people. Let not even the weak and very sinful fear to approach me, even if their sins be as numerous as all the sand of the earth all will be forgiven in the fathomless pit of my mercy.”

Today, when we receive Holy Communion, if you are in the state of grace and if you have went Confession sometime during Lent up to today, all of your sins will be forgiven and the punishment due to your sins will be forgiven and your soul will become like it was at baptism. What an incredible gift God is given to us this weekend. Let us give thanks to God for His infinite, abundant and unfathomable mercy. O Mary, Mother of Mercy, thank you for interceding for us to obtain God’s mercy.

Easter Saturday

In the Gospel today, we see how difficult it was for the apostles to believe the witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. First, they fail to believe Mary Magdalene, who had seen the Lord near the tomb. Then they failed to believe to the two men who were on the road to Emmaus and their account of how Jesus revealed the scriptures to them and how Jesus vanished from them at the breaking of the bread, the 2nd Mass. The apostles failed to believe them.

Try to recall the last time you told someone something, that you were certain was true and they did not believe you. How did you feel when they did not believe you?

First, you would be upset because they don’t take your word for what you are saying. Then you may become angry because they discount what you are saying as though it’s not true. Finally, you may wonder what kind of friend are they if they don’t believe what you are saying. Are they failing to believe what you are saying, out of pride? Or could be a lack of faith on their part and if it is a lack of faith, we should have pity on them, rather than become angry with them.

St. Mark tells us: “But later, as the Eleven were at table, He appeared to them and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw him after he had been raised.”

Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith and hardness of heart. He also rebuked them for their lack of faith when He walked on the water and calmed the storm. Back when He was with them long before His crucifixion, He had told them if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains.

Hardness of heart is something that prevents one from seeing what is true. It is not open to the truth, because the heart is not seeking the truth, but rather wallowing in circumstances from the pain and emotional distress of Jesus’ death.

Jesus wants them and us to go beyond the darkness of life’s experiences, and open our heart to the truth, that He is with us and loves us because He rose from the dead.

May the Virgin Mary, the woman of great faith, help us to always be open to seeing Her Son in the midst of our daily lives, most especially in the difficult and dark moments, because He said, I will always be with you.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Easter Friday


The apostles went to Galilee because Jesus told them to go there. They were expecting to see Him, and were likewise expecting to be clothed with power from on high. Until these things would happen, Peter and the disciples decided to go fishing.

The apostles had been fishing all night and caught nothing. But when Jesus told them to throw out their nets, they caught 153 fish. Like true fisherman, they counted each fish, one by one, so they could tell others, how many had been caught.

Immediately, when the nets were filled with fish, John recognized the Lord. He said, “It’s the Lord!” Peter’s reaction is a bit humorous. He put on his cloak and jumped into the water to go and meet Jesus on the shore.

Much to their surprise, Our Lord had been cooking breakfast for them. He gave them baked fish to eat. They were probably hungry and tired-- since they had been fishing all night and had caught nothing.

All of the apostles knew beyond doubt, that they were not responsible for catching the fish. It was the Lord who told them to throw the nets over the side of the boat. They had fished all night and had caught nothing. They come to understand, they would become an instrument of the Lord--- catching something other than fish.

Just as Jesus would use the apostles to catch a large number of fish, so Our Divine Lord would use the apostles to catch, not fish, but men and women, who would become His followers. Today, let us pray that we will recognize the Lord and jump into the water of our faith--- and follow the Lord, so that we too may become fisher’s of men.

Michigan Catholic Woman Claims Dramatic Miracle

Pray Big': Michigan Woman Says Her Healing Was a Miracle| National Catholic  Register 

Michigan Woman Claims Dramatic Miracle

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Easter Thursday

 Doubting Thomas is not a scientist looking for evidence | The Millennial  Pastor

 What would we do, if a deceased friend had been buried for three days, and suddenly they stood near us for everyone in the room to see?

First, we would think that we are seeing things. Then we would wonder if what we were seeing was a ghost. In order to prove it wasn’t a ghost we would have to touch them and perhaps watch them eat something, because a ghost would not have a body nor could it eat.

When Jesus suddenly appeared to the apostles in the upper room, the Gospel states, “they were startled and terrified and thought they were seeing a ghost.” But what they were seeing wasn’t a ghost. It was the real body of Jesus. Not just an apparition or a spiritual image. But rather, His entire person, His resurrected body and soul--- stood before them.

In order to prove He wasn’t a ghost, He encouraged them to touch Him, and to let them watch Him eat something. He said, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.”

When He showed them His hands and feet, they were overcome with joy and were amazed. Then He said, “Have you anything here to eat?” at which time, they gave Him a piece of baked fish. He took it and ate it in front of them.

By seeing the wounds in His hands, touching His body, and watching Him eat; they came to understand it was really Jesus, whom they knew, and loved, and not a ghost.

After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to hundreds of people. And 40 days after His resurrection, He went to heaven on a cloud.

Today, many believe Jesus is physically present only in heaven. But this is not true. Yes, Jesus is physically in heaven, but Jesus is also, physically on earth, in a very unique way.

The same Jesus, who rose from the dead on Easter Sunday; who ascended into heaven; who has wounds in His hands and feet and side the apostles touched; who appeared to His Mother Mary, to Mary Magdalene, is the same Jesus, who is now really and truly present in the Eucharist, and whom you will receive today in Holy Communion.

In the Eucharist, many people think they are receiving only the spiritual presence of Jesus, but this not correct. Some treat the Eucharist-- as though it were only bread-- and that Jesus is in the bread. But this not what the Church teaches. Jesus is not in the bread. He is not only spiritually present, but is physically present in the Eucharist. What appears to bread and tastes like bread, is not bread at all. What was the bread-- has totally and completely changed into the entire person of the risen Christ. The Church describes the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist by stating, He is present body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist. This does not mean only His body, only His blood, only His soul, and only His divinity. Rather, this is a way to describe His presence, as wholly and entirely present.

The Eucharist is not a hunk of flesh. Rather, Jesus is really truly sacramentally present in the Eucharist, totally and completely, just as He appeared to the apostles. He is fully present in His human nature and in His divine nature in His resurrected body.

Today, when you hear the words, “The body of Christ,”-- imagine and believe, for it is truly the resurrected Jesus, who will truly stand before you. Listen to Him, perhaps you may hear Him say, “Peace be with you!”

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter Wednesday


 “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

Today’s Gospel presents one of Our Lord’s resurrection appearances on Easter Sunday. Having lost all hope, because Jesus, in whom they had placed their trust, had been crucified and was now dead, the two disciples were making their way toward Emmaus.

With eyes downcast, the met a traveler along the road began to walk with them. Not recognizing the traveler, as Jesus, they began to discuss with Him what had happened in Jerusalem. With great sadness and discouragement, they speak of Jesus in the past. They said “We had hoped that He was the one to redeem Israel.” & (He) was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and the people.” The reality of His death caused them to say, “He was”.

After Our Lord interpreted for them the Scriptures, which referred to Himself, and how it was necessary, that the Christ would suffer, and enter into His glory. Jesus then acted as though He was going a different direction, but the two disciples, said to Him, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

Our Lord had no plans to leave them. He wanted them to ask Him to stay, with them.

And “While He was at table, He took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them.” It was at the breaking of the bread, within the context of Mass at “the Eucharist” when their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.

During times of tragedy and suffering, do we not, do the same? Aren’t’ our eyes downcast, and we are saddened as we feel like the one, whom we trusted is no longer with us? But in reality, Jesus is beside us, encouraging us, and giving us hope. When we feel abandoned by God, it is then that Jesus is nearest to us. He is always at our side, and desires to fill our heart with the fire of His love. Even though we feel as though He is not with us, we should do as the two disciples, and say to Jesus, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

When we come to Mass, do not our hearts burn within us, as the Scriptures are opened for us? At the breaking of the bread, at the consecration, do we not also realize, He is with us in the Eucharist, and has not left us, as orphans?

In the Eucharist, our eyes are opened to His love for us. In the Eucharist, He takes away our discouragement, and gives us hope. In the Eucharist, He gives us courage to face life’s difficulties. And when we receive Holy Communion, we will cry out with His Mother Mary, Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord, for He remembers His new and everlasting covenant, given to us the Last Supper, and here today at the Mass.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Holy Tuesday Pentecost

 Be Bold, and Speak Truth. | A Future Free

In the first reading Peter had just received the gift of the Holy Spirit with the other apostles and the Virgin Mary in the upper room and now Peter is not afraid to proclaim the truth. He said, “Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” And also said Jesus rose from the dead.

The Baltimore Catechism states that when we commit a mortal sin renew the Passion of Jesus in our time and participate in the crucifixion of Jesus. We all help nail Jesus to the Cross and after He has died we take the lance and stab the dead body of Jesus and gaze upon it as blood and water gush out. We all participated in the death of our Savior.

Have you ever stood up and told someone to their face that he or she has done something seriously wrong? Its like standing outside an abortion clinic and telling the person who is going inside, Stop what you are doing! You are going to kill your son or daughter. Please let us help you to allow your child to live.” Or its like telling a drug dealer. “Stop dealing drugs, you are helping to make young people addicted to drugs and ruining their lives.” Or a priest standing before a congregation like Fr. Boor who looked out over the crowd and said to the immodestly dressed women, “Ladies you need to wear modest clothing, you look like a bunch of hookers.”

When we are confronted with our sins, if we cooperate with God’s grace, we will repent of our them and ask God forgiveness and then change our life.

Today, let us pray that God will give all mankind the grace to repent of all sins and come to Jesus to receive His infinite mercy. And may Mary our Mother, whose Heart was pierced at the foot of the Cross, so that the thoughts of hearts may be revealed, cause an out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the followers of Jesus to boldly proclaim the truth to help people live lives in accord with the Christian way.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Tuesday of Easter


 In today’s Gospel, Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and much to her amazement discovers two angels sitting there. One angel sat at the feet of where the body of Jesus had been laid and the other at the head. Can you imagine seeing two angels in a tomb? First of all, it would be scary to go all alone inside of a tomb and early in the morning, no one would expect to find two angels sitting there.

The angels said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She responds, “They have taken away my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid Him” Certainly, they would have known why she was weeping. After all, they were sent there by God to help her discover that Jesus had risen. Yet they wanted her to recall that Jesus had said He would rise on the third day. However, she had not yet understood that Jesus had risen. Mary Magdalene turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not recognize Him. Perhaps, she failed to recognize him for several reasons. First, she wasn’t expecting to see Him alive. Second, her eyes may have been filled with tears—such that it would have been difficult to see clearly who was standing there. Third. Our Lord would have looked different, because now He had a resurrected body.

Our Lord lovingly asked the same question as the angels. He said, “Woman, why are you weeping?” Who are you looking for?” She thought Jesus was the gardener of the cemetery, and so, she said, “Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take Him.”

Can you imagine, a frail woman offering to carry the body of a dead man? There is no way she could not have carried the body of Jesus herself. Yet, she had spoken with her heart and not with her mind; because all she was thinking about--- was the One she loved.

When Our Risen Lord, spoke her name, “Mary!”, it was then-- Mary Magdalene finally recognized Jesus. She was very familiar with the way Jesus said her name-- because she was a friend of His. Ever since Our Divine Lord forgave her many and very grievous sins, she followed Him whenever it was possible to do so.

Until Jesus forgave her sins, Mary most likely was the worst of sinners. However, once forgiven, she become a faithful disciple, and even stood at the foot of the Cross. Because she had been forgiven much, she in return--- loved Him much.

It was most likely for this reason; Our Lord appeared to her first. He didn’t first appear to Peter, the head of the apostles, or to the other apostles, but to Mary Magdalene. And then He asked her to announce to the apostles, that He had risen, and was going to His Father and their Father.

Today, after we come forward to receive Holy Communion, and then return to our pews, let us silently close our eyes and listen to Jesus—who will be within our heart.

And perhaps, we may hear, Our Risen Lord call us by name---- because we desire to love Him as Mary Magdalene loved Him, by being a faithful disciple, —even to standing at the foot of His Cross.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of Jesus


Click Here for: Audio Podcast

Happy Easter! Jesus is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Today we celebrate the greatest event that ever occurred in the history of the world. By His own power, Jesus rose from the dead. His resurrection gave Him a new body, but He still had the wounds of His crucifixion on it, on His hands feet and side. Our Lord predicted what would happen to Him. He said, “The Son of Man will be handed over and killed, but three days later, He will rise.” By His resurrection, Jesus gave us hope that He is with us today and we can be with Him in heaven.

In the Gospel today, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, only to discover its empty. She ran to tell the apostles and then Peter and John ran back to the tomb and discover its empty. But they noticed something strange. They saw the cloth that covered His head, not with the burial cloths, but rolled up in a separate place. When John went into the tomb, he saw and believed, yet he and Peter did not understand the Scripture that He had to rise from the dead.

What are the proofs of the resurrection of Jesus today? First, we have the empty tomb. But not just the empty tomb, the cloth that covered the face of Jesus was rolled up in a separate place by itself. How could that be? If someone stole the body, they would not have taken the time to roll up the cloth that covered His face. It was clear Jesus had done it Himself.

You probably heard of the Shroud of Turin, believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus. On the shroud is the image of a crucified man, showing the wounds on His hands, feet and side. It is very detailed. It shows His face, scourge marks and a head that had been crowned with thorns and where is blood had dripped down his face. The shroud is in a Catholic Church in Turin, Italy. It has been examined over the centuries many times by scientists. The shroud even has tiny plant pollen particles that come only from a specific region in Israel.

When the Divine Mercy image was created at the request of St. Faustina, she wanted the artist to create the image of Jesus she saw when He appeared to her in the 1920’s in Poland. But when the image was finished she was deeply disappointed. She said no one could paint an image as beautiful as what she saw. However, just a few years ago, the image of the shroud was transposed over the painting of the Divine Mercy image of Jesus and it is stunning. It was nearly exactly the same. So if we want to see an image of what Jesus looked like we look at that original Divine Mercy painting.

Today, as an Easter gift from myself all including every child will receive a Divine Mercy picture. Its not the exact image St. Faustina had the artist paint, but we receive the same graces any image created as the same representation.

So far we have had examples of proofs Jesus rose from the dead. The empty tomb, the cloth rolled up by itself, the shroud and the Divine Mercy image, an exact image of the shroud. But there are more examples Jesus is risen from the dead.

When we got the new processional cross, I noticed when the cross is placed in the stand, it creates a loud bomb. And so as I was looking at it I made a side comment prayer to Jesus. I said, “What can we do about that?” A few minutes later, I got the idea of getting an o-ring and placing it on the stand. I went to the hardware store and got one and it worked. When I left the church, outside in front of the statue of Jesus and the child Jesus on the ground was the exact size o-ring I had just put on the base of the processional cross. I believe Jesus wanted me to know it was His idea and not mine and that He cares about the smallest little prayers and needs we may have. It is proof that Jesus is risen and is with us.

As you know, I did hospital ministry for four years and one day, I went to non-Catholic patient’s room. The man’s infected foot had an open wound on the top. When I saw his foot, I immediately thought of the wounds on the feet of Jesus and told the man, he was experiencing some pain Jesus felt when He was on the cross. The man said, “Yes, I know, I have thought about that too”. He said, “I am in constant terrible pain, but I know Jesus is with me through it”. He said, “If it wasn’t for Jesus, I could not being going through this.” He said, “Despite everything, I have peace because Jesus is always with me.” The man endures his suffering because he believes Jesus is risen and is with Him. This man’s faith in the resurrected Jesus gave him hope, that no matter his suffering, Our Lord is with him.

Here is another proof Jesus is risen from the dead. My father, was a very good man and like all of us he had a weakness. He was an alcoholic. One day, he decided he wanted to stop drinking. He went to a treatment facility. I was not yet a priest and when he came out of treatment, he told me he had gone to confession. He began to go to AA meetings and discovered he needed God’s help to stay sober. So he turned his life over to God and was sober for many years. He was a changed man. Though he fell a few times, he would just get back up and keep trying. His new life was a witness to the power of the resurrection of Jesus that God dwells in us.

One day, Bishop Fulton Sheen came out of the cathedral and noticed a prostitute near the church doors. He stopped to talk to her and the firs thing she said was, “Don’t ask me to go to Confession, because I will not do that.” This helped the bishop to know she was Catholic. He asked if she could come back the next day and talk to her. She said, “Okay, but I will not go to confession.” He said, “I promise, I will not ask you to go to Confession.” So the next day, she came and as they were walking through the church, he opened the confessional door and gently pushed her inside and closed the door. She said, “You promised, you would not ask me to go to confession.” He said, “I didn’t.” After some talking she went to confession and two years later she joined a Carmelite order. She went from being a prostitute to a bride of Christ. That is proof of the resurrection of Jesus. Our Lord forgave her sins and she lived a new life with Christ.

Due to the fall of Adam and Eve, no one was able to go to heaven. That is, until Jesus suffered, died and rose from the dead. By His death and resurrection, He opened the gates of heaven. And it is through baptism original sin and personal sins are washed away, and we share in God’s divine life.

Once I baptized a baby and after the baptism, the mother kissed the baby’s chest and she said, “I love you, God, I know you are in the heart of my baby.” What a beautiful witness to the resurrection of Jesus.

There is a movie and a book called “Heaven is for Real”. Its a true story about Colton Burpo who shared the story of how he left his body during an emergency surgery and went to heaven. Colton began describing events and people that seemed impossible for him to know about. Examples include knowledge of an unborn sister miscarried by his mother in 1998 and details of a great-grandfather who had died 30 years before Colton was born. Colton also explained how he met Jesus riding a rainbow-colored horse and sat in Jesus' lap while angels sang songs to him. He also saw the Virgin Mary kneeling before the throne of God and at other times standing beside Jesus. This 3 yr old boy gives testimony to the resurrection of Our Lord.

One day, after I visited some Catholics in a nursing home, I had the opportunity of baptizing 90 year old non-Catholic lady. She was unconscious and dying. Her daughter said she has never been baptized but had always wanted it. When she was baptized not only were her sins forgiven, but the punishment due to her sins forgiven. She got a straight shot to heaven. By an inspiration, the risen Jesus directed me to her room and through my hands and with Holy Water, Jesus baptized her to prepare her for heaven and when she arrived she saw the face of Jesus for the first time. Oh the infinite mercy of God.

Bernard Nathanson was a Jewish abortionist, who became Catholic. He was responsible for killing 75,000 babies, but God in His infinite mercy, washed away all of his sins and the punishment due to his sins, when he was baptized. If he would have died immediately after his baptism, he would have went straight to heaven. Here a Jewish man came to believe Jesus died and rose from the dead and was baptized because of it.

I have heard thousands of confessions over the years. Once I heard the confession of a woman, who had not been to confession in 80 yrs. She also received Anointing of the Sick and the Apostolic Pardon because she was very ill in the hospital. All of her sins and the punishment due to her sins were washed away in the ocean of God’s mercy. She believed Jesus rose from the dead and forgave her sins and prepared her for heaven.

You may remember Fr. Colin Boor. Years ago, he did ministry here at Holy Trinity. He is noted for many stories, especially this one.

One day, he went to visit a man in the hospital, and asked if he could anoint him, hear his confession and give him Holy Communion. The man had been a non-practicing Catholic for many years. But, he refused. Because the man was going to die, Fr. Boor came back to his room everyday but the man kept refusing and even told him, “Get out of my room. I don’t want no priest here.” The last time Fr. Boor visited him, the man said, “I don’t want confession. I don’t want you in my room. Get out!” Fr. Boor grabbed a chair and sat down. The man said, “What are you doing?” And Fr. Boor said, “I want to see a man go to hell, I never saw one do that before”. The man’s heart was moved and he went to confession, was anointed, received Holy Communion and the Apostolic Pardon before he died.

Every time we come to Mass, we are witnesses to the resurrection. Our faith is proof Jesus rose from the dead. If we did not believe in the resurrection, we would not be here. We are told and it is true, the bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Jesus. But the Eucharist is not just the body and blood of Jesus, its the risen and resurrected Lord. Jesus risen from the dead-- in all His glory-- comes down upon the altar and then comes inside of us in Holy Communion. We have a personal and intimate union with Jesus that saints say lasts at least 10 to 15 minutes. What joy it is to receive the living beating Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist and to have His Heart united to our heart. What joy it is to adore Him and speak to Him one on one during our Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour. For truly, He is there.

If we look for proof Jesus rose from the dead, we have no greater proof, than the Eucharist.

Today, let us look forward to our time with Jesus in Holy Communion, our time with Him in Adoration, our time with Him in our personal prayer knowing He is inside us through baptism. And let us look forward to the day when we too will receive a new resurrected body at the end of the world. As Our Lord said, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood, lives in me and I in him, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

My friends, next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. On that day the flood gates of God’s mercy are open. If we have gone to Confession and receive Holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday, not only are all our sins forgiven, but the punishment due to our sins forgiven as well. Our soul becomes like it was at baptism. All is washed away in the ocean of God’s mercy. Its only once a year. If you haven’t gone to Confession during Lent, do it before Mass next Sunday and when you receive Holy Communion you will be thrilled and your heart will leap with joy and you will exclaim “Jesus is Risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!”

Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday


On this Good Friday, I thought I would speak about the two robbers who were crucified next to Jesus.

One thief mocks Jesus saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!” But the good thief rebuked him saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And indeed we justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.”

What wonderful graces of conversion knocked at the hearts of both thieves, desiring admission. One of them listens and goes from his cross to Paradise. The other one remains obdurate and refused to accept the graces offered to Him and goes to hell. What a terrible thought—to be damned—at the side of the dying Savior and His Blessed Mother! How awful the consequences of infidelity to grace, or neglect of opportunities of strengthening the our will in good. This wretched man can hear the sighs of Jesus pleading with His Father. He sees the Precious Blood poured out around His Cross as though it would besiege the heart of the sinner, and ward off Christ’s justice from its victim, and yet the miserable sinner remains unmoved in his wickedness. The awful power of free will on it depends eternal happiness or enteral misery.

The Good thief, however, had probably never heard a word from the lips of Jesus until they breathed the Divine prayer for His murderers, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He knew nothing of our Savior’s doctrines, or miracles, yet he made a public declaration of his faith from his cross, next the cross of Jesus and under circumstances that would shake a dying person to his core. How clearly this proves the weakest man is strong with grace and the strongest weak without it and grace comes through prayer. And what was His prayer, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He sees the thorn-crowned head that lay drooping on Jesus’ chest lifted up. It turns to the repentant thief. The eyes dulling in the midst of death painfully raise themselves to his. He opens His dry lips open and words come out slow: “Amen I say to you, this day you shall be with me in paradise.” The answer was the pardon for the sins of a life, final perseverance, canonization while living, the promise of heaven, and happiest of all—reunion with His Master before the sun had set. The pardon granted reveals the loving mercy of the Sacred Heart.

Can we trust in Our Lord’s mercy to be tender and generous with us when we return to Him? O love of the Sacred Heart! “Lord, remember me!” The good thief had but a short time for prayer. Life will be soon be over, the little space wherein I am to obtain from God all that I want for my eternal happiness, and I as the good thief, may be content with the cry that includes every petition, “Lord, remember me!” Jesus I trust in your unfathomable mercy.

When St. Faustina was near death, she had a conversation with Jesus. Our Lord told her, “As you were united to Me in life, you will be united to Me at the moment of death.” And she replied, “After these words, such great trust in God's great mercy was awakened in my soul that, even if I had had the sins of the whole world, as well as the sins of all the condemned souls weighing on my conscience, I would not have doubted God's goodness but, without hesitation, would have thrown myself into the abyss of the divine mercy, which is always open to us…”

My friends, every day and at all times, trust in in God’s infinite mercy because do not know the day and our of our death. And every night before you go to bed pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be asking the Lord for the grace of a happy death and finish by saying, “Jesus I trust in you. Remember me!"

(Note: excerpts from Meditation on the Passion by Rev. Reginald Walsh, OP)

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection