Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Wednesday After Epiphany - Storm on Lake

 Take Courage it is I, Do not Be Afraid!

In the Gospel, Jesus comes to the disciples during the heavy wind and turmoil caused by the storm. Their boat was tossed about by the wind, which caused the waves to nearly tip it over. Spending hours on the boat, unable to reach the other side, they battled the wind and waves, and must have been exhausted. They feared the boat would capsize in the dark night. This fear was increased by terror, when they saw what appeared to be a ghost, walking on the water. The Gospel states, “they cried out in fear”. As Jesus walked on the water closer and closer to the disciples, Our Lord said, “Take Courage it is I, Do not Be Afraid! And when Jesus got into the boat, the wind and waves immediately died down and they were amazed.

When we were young, many of us were afraid of the dark. We were also afraid of storms, especially lightning and thunder. But later when we get older, we realize there is nothing to be afraid of--- because we realize Jesus is always with us, even in the dark. That’s what the disciples learned, that Jesus was with them in the dark and in the midst of the storm.

Every day, we should turn to Jesus, not only when things don’t seem to go our way, but also when things do seem to go our way. How many of us realize that everyday Jesus walks beside us and is with us? He never leaves us. Jesus protects us and cares for us. And when we realize Jesus is there at our side, do we talk to Jesus as a friend and speak to Him about everything.

Even in the midst of family strife or work problems or worries about the future, Jesus is there at our side. We should call upon Him for help at the moment of the turmoil, for He is truly with us.

Also, when good things happen, we should also remember that Jesus is with us too. He is with us at our family gatherings and with us on beautiful sunny days, when there seems to be no care in the world.

Today, let us resolve to constantly call upon Jesus whether good things are happening or bad things are happening because He is always at our side.

And we can say a short prayer like Jesus, “Stay with me Jesus, for I believe you are here with me. I trust you and believe you will save me and bring me safely into your heavenly kingdom with Mary, your Mother and all the angels and saints.”

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