Friday, January 7, 2022

Baptism of the Lord- Vaccine Mandates


Today is the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. By His baptism, though He did not need it, because He is God and did not have original sin nor personal sin, out of humility, Jesus gave us an example to be baptized and at the same time makes all waters holy by His sacred body.

The Church teaches when we are baptized: Original sin and all personal sin is washed away. Our body becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit. We become a member of God’s family. Our citizenship is in heaven. We receive an indelible mark on our soul indicating we belong to Christ, we are His disciples and will try to avoid sin. We become members of the mystical body of Christ and are children of God.

As humans, we have God given rights. Our US constitution states we are created equal. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It guarantees religious freedom, the freedom to worship, the freedom of speech. The right to own property. These very freedoms are being threatened by those in authority today.

Those who are taking advantage of the Wuhan virus are preventing freedom of speech as can be seen with the Big Tech Companies, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google and the media, who block the truth, freedom of speech and sharing opinions. They especially censor Christian groups.

Government leaders in the world are taking away the rights of people and treating them in a tyrannical manner. Totalitarianism is sweeping the Globe, where citizens are subject to absolute authority and democracy is trampled. In some countries people cannot go to church to be in the presence of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and cannot receive Communion unless the get the vaccine.

Here are some example of countries mandatating vaccines and how they are treating unvaccinated people: In Italy- starting Feb. 15, no one can work above the age of 50 if not vaccinated. Anyone refusing vaccination will be fined 100 euros (113 dollars) Unvaccinated workers caught in the workplace will be subject to fines from 600–1500 euros (670 to 1700 dollars).  Residents seeking access to personal or public services, such as shopping malls, hairdressers, post offices, banks and government offices, will have to produce a green pass proving vaccination, recovery from COVID-19 or a negative test. 

Austria will become the first European country to make vaccinations against Covid 19 mandatory, and will go into its fourth nationwide lock down for at least 10 days. Ironically, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer who received 3 vaccinations, contracted COVID-19 during a meeting at which he was promoting mandatory vaccination. He said those refusing to be vaccinated are likely to face administrative fines, which can be converted into a prison sentence.

In February in Australia the unvaccinated will be fined $4,000 and may raise the amount to $10,000. Australia has quarantine camps, where people are arrested and required to be in quarantine in the facility, even if they do not test positive for covid, but only if they had contact with someone with covid.

Greece fines the unvaccinated over 60 yrs. old 100 Euros.

In Germany some dioceses are restricting Mass attendance to the vaccinated or those who recovered from covid. Under their new rules, those wishing to go to bars and restaurants, or shop anywhere but in stores carrying basic necessities — like pharmacies or grocery stores — have to present proof of vaccination or documentation of recovery from a recent coronavirus infection.

Israel: Whoever doesn’t vaccinate will only go out to supermarkets or pharmacies, while the vaccinated are able to go to stadiums and gyms,”

Justin Trudeau in Canada considers the unvaccinated as non-citizens. His party plans to remove the charity status of pro-life groups and pour money into so-called sexual and reproductive health programs. Canada’s Socialist party leader asked Trudeau to call upon military to vaccinate the unvaccinated.

In the Philippines, President Duterte said those not vaccinated will be arrested if they disobeyed stay-at-home orders.

In the US, companies and hospitals are requiring people to get vaccinated or they will lose their job or they won’t be hired. No Jab, No Job. New York City's sweeping mandate requiring nearly all private-sector businesses to ban unvaccinated employees from the workplace took effect Monday amid a spike in coronavirus infections. Proof of vaccination is also now required for children and teens to enter indoor public venues like restaurants and movie theaters. The Mayor of New York made this statement, “This is what we need to do everywhere. Every mayor, every governor, every CEO in America should do vaccine mandates now. ... 2022 has to be the year we leave COVID behind."

However, all of this is mass psychosis (not living in reality) was created from a false narrative. According to the CDC the vaccinated can contract covid, can give covid to others and both vaccinated and unvaccinated can die of covid. So why are the non-vaccinated treated as prisoners, as second class citizens. So if a person thinks they should vaccinate their children so the parent or family won’t get covid, this is wrong because both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can contract covid and give it to others. And it uses children as human shields to protect adults especially since it is extremely rare for children to become seriously ill from covid and it places them at risk from a vaccine known to cause nearly a million adverse reactions.

Hospitals are full and overflowing and people are not able to get medical care because of the many covid patients. Its reported many covid patients are unvaccinated. However, in Massachusetts 74% of hospital covid patients are vaccinated. Apparently the vaccines are not working as well as hoped.

In Kansas, some need conscious exemption letters to avoid getting vaccinated because it goes against their conscience. I have four friends whose conscience letters were denied and were fired for not getting vaccinated.

On Friday, the US Supreme Court took arguments on whether the US government can force companies with more than 100 employees to be vaccinated. In Kansas, on Nov. 2nd, last year, house bill 2001 was passed that states,if an employer implements a COVID-19 vaccination requirement, the employer shall exempt employee from such requirement without punitive action if the employee submits a written waiver request.”  And it says, “if the employer rejects it, then it can go to the attorney general for further legal action.”

So what does the Vatican say about vaccine mandates? The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith issued a statement in Dec. of 2020. It states, Practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.” 

Bishop Athanasius of Khakistan said: “The unvaccinated are treated as second class citizens. Only the vaccinated can participate in society such as the supermarket, go to church, eat at restaurants, work out at gyms, go to their jobs, take public transportation.” He said “This reminds me of Apartheid in South Africa or the policy of Hitler where some places Jews were forbidden to enter. Now the unvaccinated are forbidden to enter.” He said, its a new form of dictatorship. Anti-human dictatorship has occurred in the history of the world. The first was the French Revolution, then the Communist terror. Then the Nazi terror. Now we have the world terror of terrorizing people and discriminating them with forced mandated vaccines. In this case the state is appropriating our body. So we are losing the right of our own body, which is a temple of the Holy Spirit. It is becoming a materialistic, atheistic, Neo-communist dictatorship. He said, “We need to create a world wide alliance to to protect our rights and healthcare”.

Dr. Peter McCullough a cardiac doctor from Texas said, “Globalists have been waiting to mark people. If you get the vaccine you are marked in a data base. It can be used for trade, for commerce and for behavior modification. He said in Dallas, you can’t go to a Dallas Maverick’s game unless you are vaccinated. Colleges said they are not giving any credit for natural immunity, which occurs after one contracts covid. All scientists know natural immunity is better than any vaccine. Why don’t we have covid recovered Maverick’s games? Why don’t we have fully recovered covid people go to college? The vaccine mandates are about marking people. Ways to assert compliance, behavior control. Why are all manufacture’s indemnified? (not held responsible for side effects or death). The rights of Americans are being taken away.’ He said.

My friends at baptism we receive an indelible mark on our soul. The mark indicates, we belong to God because we are a temple of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul said, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.… ” (1 Corin. 6:19)

We are children of God. We are citizens of heaven. No one has a right to control us, nor our body, nor whether or not we can worship God by going to church. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

For some it goes against their conscience to be vaccinated, while others it does not. We are all obligated to follow our conscience.

I know people who would rather die, than be vaccinated with an abortion tainted vaccine, because they will not go against their conscience. They desire to avoid sin. This comes from the grace of baptism. This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus to stand up for one’s own belief and be willing to suffer and even die for it.

St. Paul also said,Join one another in following my example, brothers, and carefully observe those who walk according to the pattern we set for you. For as I have often told you before, and now say again even with tears: Many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in their shame. Their minds are set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself, will transform our lowly bodies to be like His glorious body.” (Philippians 3:19-21)

My friends, our hope is in Jesus. Our hope is in heaven and not to this passing world. Through baptism we belong to Jesus, we were bought at the price of His blood. Let us cling to Our Lord and His holy Mother, so that no matter what happens, we will be filled with joy. St. Gabriel of the 7 Sorrows said, Love Mary!…if you are troubled, she will console you. If you are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants you to love her. She comes quickly and opens her merciful heart to you, embraces you and consoles and serves you. She will even be at hand to accompany you on the trip to eternity.”

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