Thursday, August 26, 2021

Aug. 27th - St. Monica

 Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Monica, the mother of the great St. Augustine. Monica was born about the year 332 in North Africa, of a Christian family. In her childhood, she sometimes fell into the habit of taking secret great droughts of wine in the cellar. One day a servant spied on the little girl and denounced her as a drunkard, and Monica, covered with shame, gave up the habit. Soon afterwards she was baptized, and thenceforth led a life of irreproachable virtue.

As soon as Monica had reached marriageable age, she married Patricius, who had a violent temper. Monica endured his outbursts with the utmost patience, although he was critical of Christians and their practices. The daily example of her gentleness and kindness finally had its rewards. A year before his death, he became a Christian.

Her son, Augustine, spent time in youthful carousing, which caused his mother great anguish. She disapproved so strongly both of his loose living and of his acceptance of the popular heresy of Manichaeism. Augustine tried to convince her to give up her Christian faith, which he said was the main obstacle keeping them apart.

But Monica did not lose faith. She continually fasted, prayed, and wept on his behalf. She implored the local bishop for help to win him over. But he counseled her to be patient, saying, "God's time will come." Monica persisted until the bishop uttered the words which have often been quoted: "Go now, I beg you; it is not possible that the son of so many tears should perish."

The joyous day of Augustine's conversion finally came after she followed her son to Milan where they met Saint Ambrose. At Easter, when Bishop Ambrose baptized Augustine, his mother's cup was full to overflowing.

The prayers of Monica have been invoked by generations of the faithful who honor her as a special patroness of married women and as an example for Christian motherhood. She is also the patron of alcoholics. May her example and prayers help all parents with children who no longer practice their faith. St. Monica, pray for us!

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