Wednesday, August 18, 2021

20th Wednesday "First Will Be Last & Last Will Be First"

 “The last will be first, and the first will be last”. Today’s parable is addressed to the Jewish people (the first), whom God called at an early hour, centuries before Jesus came. Now that He has arrived, the Gentiles (the last) are also called—with an equal right, to form the part of the new people of God, the Church.

At first sight, laborers of the first hour seem to have a genuine grievance—because they do not realize, that to have a job in the Lord’s vineyard is a divine gift and privilege given by the giver. Jesus leaves us no doubt, that although He calls us to follow in different ways, all receive the same reward—heaven.

I have met people who attended daily Mass their whole life from the time they were a child until they died in old age. Imagine receiving Holy Communion everyday, going to confession every 2 weeks and living for over 80 years. He or she will have a special place in heaven.

But have you ever known someone who never attended church their whole life, but on their death bed had a conversion and was baptized, receiving Holy Communion and the Last Rites and then the person dies just a few days later? I have but it is rare. When that person was baptized the sins of their whole life was washed away and they didn't even need to go to confession.

Is it fair both persons (one is the faithful their whole life) and the unfaithful, except at the end) are able to go to heaven? Yes, its fair because heaven is a gift.

However, the faithful person will have merited a great crown of glory, but the one who didn’t go to church will have made it, but will not receive the glory God intended for their soul had they lived a life of faithfulness to the Lord.

As one who did hospital ministry for four years, I can tell you there are some who are first that will be last, and last who will be first. But many times the last will not even be last, because they showed no interest in this life loving God or neighbor, and not doing what it takes to follow the narrow path to heaven.

The majority of people die as they lived their life. If they never attended church, never went to confession, they will care little or nothing about their own salvation. I had people tell me, I don’t care if I go to heaven or not. Some have even said they want to go to hell just weeks before they died. How sad.

Its dangerous being un-churched. They risk losing heaven forever. Some will not want to confess or want Holy Communion even when they are dying. Though we can’t judge their soul, will they be admitted to heaven, if they never prayed or lived as a Christian?

Today let u s pray for those who are last, that they may receive the grace to be first and let us rejoice in those who follow the Lord their whole life and likewise rejoice in those who will obtain salvation even if its at the last minute.

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