Wednesday, August 18, 2021

20th Thursday "The Wedding Feast"

 In the Gospel today, the parable seems hard to understand. What is the marriage feast Jesus is referring to? What is the garment that is needed to attend the wedding feast?

St. Gregory, the Great, says, “The marriage is the wedding of Christ and His Church.” He states the garment necessary to attend the wedding feast is the virtue of charity. A person, who goes to the wedding feast, without the wedding garment is someone, who believes in the Church, but does not have charity.

The wedding garment signifies dispositions a person needs for entering the kingdom of heaven. Even if he belongs to the Church, if he does not have these dispositions, he will be condemned and thrown out when God judges all mankind, because they are not worthy to come to the feast of heaven. These dispositions essentially mean responding to the grace God desires to give us.

May we come to the banquet of the Lamb, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with the disposition of charity, and receive Jesus in the Eucharist, with a heart opened and ready to respond to every grace, so that when we enter into the Kingdom of the Father, we will sit at the heavenly marriage feast, and gaze upon Our Lord, and His Mother Mary forever in heaven.

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