Tuesday, August 24, 2021

21st Wednesday

 In the Gospel today, Jesus reproves the Scribes and Pharisees for being hypocrites. They act as though they are holy and righteous, but inside they have a total disregard for God’s law.

Every year the Jews whitened the outside of the tombs in order that that they might be known and clearly seen, yet inside the tombs were dead men’s bones and every kind of filth. He used this comparison to indicate that outside the Scribes and Pharisees appeared righteous, but inside they were totally corrupt and wicked.

Our Lord knew the inner heart of the Scribes and Pharisees and saw that they lacked any kind of virtue whatsoever. Jesus saw they had secret plans to persecute and kill Him.

All of us at times outwardly appear to be going through the motions, but inside what are we thinking? Where is our heart?

When we read prayers from our prayer book or when we come to the Mass, is our heart united to Jesus? Do attempt to enter into what we are doing? Perhaps, we just go through the motions. In other things, that we do, do we hurry from this to that, not paying attention to what we are really doing.

Also at times, on the outside we may appear righteous, but inside we have negative and judgmental thoughts of others.

We all fall in these ways, but as long as we renew our efforts and try, this is all the Lord asks of us. And is this way, our heart will be filled with virtue, we avoid hypocrisy and we truly live a life of love and holiness. May Our Blessed Lady help us to have good and holy motives, and keep us under Her protection and prepare us for our eternal home.

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