Saturday, December 18, 2021

4th Sunday of Advent - Unborn Jesus


      Unborn Baby Jesus, Grant All Unborn Babies Life on Earth                  May all babies be protected in their Mother's Womb.

                        Video: Mary Did You Know? Yes She Knew

With just a few days before Christmas, the Church gives us the Gospel of the Visitation to help us ponder Jesus as an unborn child. After Mary conceives Jesus in Her womb through the power of the Holy Spirit and because She learned through the angel Gabriel, Her elderly cousin, Elizabeth was about to give birth, She immediately went in haste to help her, who was 6 months with child. Due to the distance of riding on a donkey, the journey may have taken Mary about 5 days and so when Mary arrived and greeted Elizabeth, the unborn Jesus was would have been not more than 5 days old from His miraculous conception. He would not yet have had a beating heart, nor eyes nor hands. The unborn John the Baptist, however was 6 months old in his mother’s womb, from his conception.

Before His birth, the unborn Child Jesus wanted to sanctify the unborn, John the Baptist and fill his mother, Elizabeth, with the Holy Spirit and He did both of these actions through Mary.

At the moment of Mary’s greeting-- John the Baptist leapt and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and so Elizabeth came to know Mary was pregnant with the Lord, as She said, “Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to me.”

The Church has long held at the moment John the Baptist leapt in his mother’s womb, he was sanctified. In another words, his original sin was washed away and he was filled with the Holy Spirit, which is what happens to when we are baptized.

Have you ever seen an unborn child move within his mother’s womb? When I was a child, my mother took my hand and held it to her pregnant tummy and I could feel my unborn sister moving around.

Have you ever pondered what it was like for the unborn Jesus to float around in the amniotic fluid? He could move around in all different directions, upside down, and all around like being underwater. Sometimes an unborn child can kick and the mother will know it.

As He grew and developed the unborn Jesus was comfortable and cozy in Mary’s womb, something like a bubble, as He went with Mary to the market to buy food, to clean the house, to go the well to get water, to go to the home Mary’s parents, Joachim and Anne.

In Mary’s womb, He went down the streets and by ways. The unborn Jesus went from Nazareth to Bethlehem on a donkey for the census. As Mary and Joseph, met travelers, the travelers unknowingly were in the physical presence of God. And when Mary was about to give birth seeking a place to stay, all the inn keepers and the people in the streets had no idea, within Mary’s womb was the Son of God, the longed for and waited Messiah.

Mary and Joseph could have said Inn keepers, “Within this womb, is the Son of God, won’t you let us stay in your inn?” But no one would believe them, but it would have been true.

When I go the sick, the home bound, and those in the nursing home, I carry the Holy Eucharist with me in a pyx. As I walked through the corridors of the nursing home-- the people had no idea the Savior of the world, who disguises Himself in the Sacred Host was in their presence. Just as Jesus was hidden in the womb of Mary, so Jesus is hidden in the Sacred Host, with both His human and divine natures.

I thought of saying to those in the nursing home, “Excuse me, I just want you to know, the Son of God, the King of heaven and earth is here. Your savior is traveling through these hallways. He is in this little metal container called a pyx. Would you believe me, if I told you, He is in my pocket?”Would you bow down and worship Him, if I told you He was here?” Just like Mary and Joseph not telling the Inn Keepers, so I have not told staff who I am carrying in my pocket.

The hidden Jesus in the Eucharist is like the hidden Jesus in the womb of Mary. Years ago, it was common that as the priest went on sick calls, he would be accompanied by someone ringing a bell to remind people the Lord is passing by, so all would give respect to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Catholics would kneel as the priest walked by carrying the King of angels to the sick.

On Christmas day many will pray to the newborn Infant Jesus in the manger. They will tell Him they love Him and perhaps ask Him for some special request, especially perhaps to pray for the healing of a loved one. Have you ever thought of praying to the unborn Jesus in the womb of Mary? Mary prayed to the unborn Jesus within Her womb. She worshiped Him, who dwelt within Her. She praised Him, loved Him, thanked Him and interceded for others to Him, who was within Her.

Even though He was an unborn Child for a time without eyes, hands or a heart, as God, He knew everything, heard everything and saw everything.

With regard to the dignity of a child, it makes no difference as to how a child comes into the world. At the moment of conception, every child is created in the image and likeness of God. Every child deserves love and respect. Every unborn child is innocent and God has a plan and future for every child. As we know, John the Baptist, would later be the precursor to Jesus and to prepare the way of the Lord. He would call sinners to repentance and baptize and died as a martyr, as a witness to the sacredness of marriage.

Let us close with a prayer, “O Jesus, our unborn Savior, you who are within the womb of Mary, I love you and adore you. I ask You, O Lord, to help the world to come to know and experience the love and peace You felt in Mary’s womb. Help mothers and fathers and our nation, to respect babies no matter how small. That every mother’s womb will be a safe haven. O Unborn Jesus, I come to you, through Mary, as you came into the world through Mary. Help me and my family to be like your Holy family. Though I cannot see you. I believe you are there. I want to be dependent upon Mary as you were dependent upon Her. Help us to marvel at Your unborn life in the womb of Mary and may we experience the joy of your birth with profound awe and adoration. Thank you unborn Infant Jesus, for hearing and answering my prayers, through Mary. Amen.”

Thursday, December 16, 2021

December 17th - Genealogy of Jesus


Today’s Gospel has the long list of ancestor’s of Joseph, who was from the house of David. Matthew gives us this list for a reason. The Jews believed that the promised Messiah would come from the house of David. And so, Matthew lists--- all of the ancestor’s of Joseph---show that he was from the house of David and therefore, Jesus is the Messiah.

While Joseph is not the biological father of Jesus, the Jews did treat step-sons the same as though the child was one’s own son and had all the rights of inheritance associated with being a biological son.

In this lineage we discover the name of Joseph’s father, who was Jacob, and Joseph’s grandfather, who was Mathan. Many of us are proud of our ancestors and our linage. As Christmas draws near, we should think about and pray for our deceased relatives. Perhaps, a beautiful gift for them, would be to remember them in our prayers, or we can have a Mass offered for them, and give them the best Christmas gift ever, which is help them to enter the gates of paradise after suffering many years in purgatory.

May Our Blessed Mother, help us to know who to pray for and give us the inspiration to help those who may be waiting at the pearly gates, but are in need of our prayers.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

3rd Sunday - Rejoice in God's Healing

This is the third Sunday of Advent called “Gaudete” Sunday or “Rejoice Sunday”. Today, we light the rose-colored candle on the Advent wreath, the priest wears rose colored vestments and the Church celebrates with joy.

We should celebrate because we are more than halfway to Christmas! Today’s first reading, from the prophet Zephaniah tells us God rejoices. The Lord rejoices because the waiting time is over. Just as God’s people longed for the Messiah, think about how much Jesus longed to come in the world! How happy He must be when He came to earth as a little baby to eventually redeem humanity by His Cross and Resurrection.

God exults when we accept the salvation He has for us. Each person who turns to Him-- makes the Lord’s Heart sing with gladness. He rejoices over one repentant sinner. He rejoices each time He renews us in His love. He delights to take each wound and heal it. To take each sin and forgive it. To take each hurt and soothe it. Every time we come to Him with our needs or open our hearts to His healing, He rejoices. He rejoices when comes in our heart in Holy Communion. He rejoices when we come before His Eucharistic presence in Adoration. He rejoices when we turn to Him in all our needs.

A few weeks ago, I said we should go to God first before we call a doctor or a dentist or marriage counselor. Not that we don’t go to them, but we first should go to God and then to them. God works through them and we should thank Him for helping us.

I also mentioned how I was healed of lactose intolerance after over 25 years. The Lord wants to help us in all our needs. He wants us to depend upon Him and by doing so, God rejoices because then we are not turning to the world or to think we can solve our own problems without God.

Confession is the primary place for us to be healed of sins and that is why we should to confess frequently. Through Confession not only are our sins forgiven, but we receive graces to overcome our sins. Through Confession we discover God’s infinite mercy. In Confession our soul is washed in the blood of Jesus. The more often we go to Confession the quicker we overcome sins. We sin less and less. God rejoices when He is able to alleviate misery caused by our sins. Jesus rejoices over one repentant sinner. He said, When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep. For he was once lost has been found.Confession is a primary way God wants to heal our soul and He rejoices when He does.

But God also wants to heal other wounds, such as wounded emotions or trauma’s in our life. Have you ever wondered why you keep having angry thoughts towards someone even though you have forgiven them? This is because our emotions are also wounded. We can’t control our emotions perfectly because we suffer from original sin. Can someone stop laughing hysterically, or someone crying can’t immediately stop crying. We are not robots or computers. When someone hurts us, often our emotions are hurt as well. When our emotions are wounded, they can be somewhat healed in confession when we confess our un-forgivess or our anger. But God has given us supplemental means to heal our emotions, such as through prayer, love and good works. Through St. Ignatius of Loyola’s discernment of spirits, we can discern the difference between a desolation and a consolation. A desolation is not of God, such as anger, depression, or unhealthy fears. By using his prayer method from his Spiritual Exercises Jesus can and wants to heal our emotions and even do physical healings.

Here are some examples: If a child was made fun of for being overweight, she may end up becoming anorexic. Because there is a fear of being overweight and fear of being made fun of. So if these emotions are healed, the fears go away and the child no longer has an unhealthy image of herself.

Another example. If a person is traveling 65 miles an hour and suddenly someone runs a stop sign and there is no time to stop and there is a terrible accident. The people who ran the stop sign are killed and the driver of the car going down the highway is unhurt. Its not the fault of the person traveling down the highway, but the person develops false guilt and they have a fear of driving. The accident haunts the mind of the person who survived. But if the emotions of false guilt and fear of driving are healed the haunting image goes away and the person lives in reality—it was a terrible accident, but it was not the drivers fault and there is no longer any fear of driving again.

Attached to the bulletin this weekend is a method of prayer, which can and will heal emotions. This prayer method can also be used for physical healings, such my lactose intolerance or diabetes. I used this prayer method to be healed of the fear of talking in front of a group of people, which was due to a play I was in when I was a child. To me, it was a greater healing to be healed of that fear than to be healed physically. Personally, I have always been healed of emotions when I have prayed it.

I will briefly describe the method. First, you close your eyes and picture Jesus and Mary standing before you. Then you say, “Jesus, your looking at me and I am looking at you. Mary, you are looking at me and I am looking at you.” Repeat this a few more times.

Then read a short scripture about the life of Jesus and place yourself in the scriptural event, such as Jesus calming the water. You see the disciples trying to guide the boat but its being tossed about in the waves and wind. Then suddenly Jesus stands up and calms the water and says, Be calm!” Then He looks at you and says, Why were you afraid?”

Then ask Jesus for a specific healing with regard to a past event or to heal a particular fear or emotion of some sort. Then in your mind re-experience the event as it first occurred and allow your self to each emotion that went with it. So if you were humiliated by a bully - feel what you felt at the time it occurred. Feel the anger toward the bully and the embarrassment or perhaps the depression or helplessness it caused. Stay with the emotion until it slowly dies down. As the emotion is dying down Jesus is healing you. Then later you no longer have periods of helplessness or times when your anger would have suddenly come out. It no longer bothers you. Then thank the Lord for healing you. If the event was very traumatic, you may need to repeat the exorcise several times for a full healing.

It’s very helpful to do this during your Holy Hour or to do it in the privacy of your room. I personally think adoration is best as long as no other people are present. There is nothing wrong with crying in the presence of Jesus or allowing anger to come out in the presence of Jesus. He knows and experiences all of your feelings and thoughts. Our loving Lord wants to heal your wounded emotions and soothe your heart afflicted by the pain you experienced.

Before you do this, its important to be in the state of grace, so we should have confessed any mortal sins. Otherwise, Jesus may not be able to heal you as He would like. What event or emotion in your life do want Jesus to heal? God can and does heal wounded emotions. If you would like some help in doing this, give me a call.

First allow Jesus to heal your soul by coming to Confession and He and you will rejoice in God’s mercy. Second allow Jesus to heal the wounds of your past life. Whether that’s your emotion from the way you were treated, and from a traumatic event. This method of prayer is especially helpful for veterans, policemen and first responders, who experience terrible tragedies. Just imagine going through rubble from a tornado finding hurt people from a tornado.

God wants to rejoice in healing you from the miseries of your life. Give Him the opportunity. As St. Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always! I shall say it again: Rejoice! Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

O Mary, Mother of the afflicted, by your motherly intercession ask Jesus to heal our wounded heart so that we rejoice by experiencing the tender healing mercy of Jesus.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dec. 10th - Our Lady of Loreto

 Today is the memorial of Our Lady of Loreto, where the house of Nazareth (the Holy House) was transferred miraculously by angels.

When in 1291, infidels became possessors of the Holy Land. Christians were driven out of it and pilgrims were no longer permitted to visit the holy house. But God wrought a miracle to protect it. On the night May 9th, the holy house was suddenly taken from the ground on which it had stood for more than twelve hundred years, and lifted through the temple erected over it, which parted in the middle, and it was carried by the Angels over land and sea, from Galilee to Dalmatia not far from the Adriatic sea.

Early in the morning the following day, some people saw this unknown little chapel and informed the inhabitants. Alexander, the ecclesiastical Superior of Tersatto was very ill and greatly desired to know where it came from. During his fervent prayers, the Divine Mother appeared to him, informed him of what he desired to know and said that his improved health would be proof of what She said. Alexander awoke, found himself perfectly restored, left his bed, and gave due thanks to God and the Queen of heaven for the grace which had been bestowed upon him. He went through all the streets of the town and announced to the people the revelation which he had that night and, followed by all the inhabitants of the place, he went full of heartfelt devotion to the holy house and prostrated himself and gave humble thanks to God.

The Governor of Dalmatia sent four respectable men to Nazareth in Galilee. The deputies measured the length and breadth of the place where the holy house had stood, and the width of the foundation, and found that all corresponded exactly with the chapel.

God wrought many miracles for the sick who took refuge within the holy walls of the house. But three years and seven months passed, when the holy house was taken from them. It was carried by Angels over the Adriatic sea, and arrived in Italy, surrounded by a heavenly light, in December, 1294. The Sovereign Pontiff decreed that the 10th of December, the day on which this happened, should be yearly commemorated in Italy. The spot where the holy chapel had placed itself, belonged to a widow named Lauretta, from which the house was afterwards called the House of Loretto. Some pious shepherds had seen this miraculous transfer of the Holy House. When this became known, on the following day, every one ran to the Holy House. The many miracles which took place there drew a multitude of pilgrims. However, some godless men took the opportunity to attack, plunder and even kill many of the pilgrims.

Due to this event, angels took it again, and placed it nearer to the town of Recanati, where it rested on a hill. The inhabitants of Recanati sent a special deputation, first to Dalmatia, and thence to Nazareth in Galilee, to investigate the truth of all that had been told them with regard to the little chapel. At their, there was no longer any doubt it was the Holy House of Nazareth, where the Virgin Mother had been born; where she had received the greeting of the Angel, and where the only Son of God had become man. It may be said that there is not a fact to be found in the history of the Church, which has been more thoroughly investigated than this one.

Today, let us rejoice in God’s miracles of sending angels from heaven to protect the Holy House and preserve it in honor of the miraculous and ordinary events that took place within it. And may Our Lady of Loreto intercede for us to protect our families and our homes.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Dec. 9th - St. Juan Diego

Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Juan Diego. At the age of 50, he and his wife, María Lucía, were among the first to be baptized after the arrival of the main group of twelve Franciscan missionaries in Mexico in 1524. It is variously reported that after their baptism he and his wife were inspired by a sermon on chastity to live celibately. His wife died two years before the apparitions.

He worked as a farmer, laborer and weaver. He deeply loved the Eucharist and asked special permission to receive Holy Communion three times a week, which was unusual at that time. He walked 15 miles to go to Mass.

All of us know the story of Mary’s apparitions to him in Mexico. She left of Her glorious image on his tilma. This true miracle happened Dec. 9th, 1531. Our Lady wanted a church to be built on the sight of the apparitions, and this miracle was the proof needed by the bishop of Mexico City, that Mary really appeared to Juan Diego. In addition to the miraculous image, Juan also had gathered Castilian roses on the top of the mountain, which are not native to Mexico and do not grow in the winter.

After the apparitions of Mary, Juan Diego received permission from the bishop to live as a hermit (as a monk that lives in isolation). He lived in a small hut near the chapel built on the hill of Tepeyac. He cared for the church and the pilgrims, who came to see the miraculous image and pray to the Mother of Jesus. Everyone was impressed with his holiness. Parents used to bless their children with the wish, “May God make you like Juan Diego.”

As we continue Advent preparation for Christmas, let us ask St. Juan Diego, to help us to turn Our Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, for our every concern. Our Lady touches us, by Her love, as we fly to Her protection, expressed in the beautiful hymn dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe: “You are the fountain of my life. Under the shadow of Your protection! I fear no evil, no pain, no worry! O Maria! O Most Merciful Mother! Gentle Virgin! With the name, Guadalupe. On a mountain, we find roses in winter. And all the world has been touched by your love.”

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Dec. 8th - Mary's Immaculate Conception


On Dec. 8th, 1854, Pope Pius IX, proclaimed Mary’s Immaculate Conception as a dogma of faith requiring all Catholics to believe. He said, “The Most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of Her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin.”

After the fall, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God did not abandon man. God proclaimed the first announcement of the Messiah and Redeemer, when He said, “I will put enmity, between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring, she shall crush your head, and you shall lie in wait for His heel.” The book of Genesis speaks of the battle between the serpent and the Woman and the final victory through Her descendant.

The Virgin Mary is the woman, who will be at enmity with the devil. When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, he said, “Hail Full of Grace!” The Greek word for “full of grace” means, She had been filled with grace, She is filled with grace and She will be filled with grace. To be at enmity means to have nothing to do with the devil. Mary had nothing to do with the devil because She was conceived without sin in the womb of her mother, Anne and because She would never sin in Her entire life.

Some statues of Mary show Her standing on the earth. Her foot is crushing the head of the serpent. Mary is woman promised in the book of Genesis, who will crush the head of the serpent.

Through St. Catherine Laboure, Mary gave us the miraculous medal with the words, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee!” are prayed by millions of Catholics everyday.

In Lourdes, France, when St. Bernadette asked Our Lady, what is Her name, The Virgin replied, “I am the Immaculate Conception”.

Since Mary was never touched by any sin whatsoever, She is a powerful aid to all of us sinners. We should call upon Mary often in time of temptation and we should ask Her for graces to help us overcome our sins and the sins of our nation.

As the Immaculate Conception, Mary is the patroness of the United States. A few years ago, the US bishops consecrated our country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so, we can trust we are under Her mantle and protection.

In the US there is a great spiritual battle occurring for the unborn. The conception of Mary we celebrate and the conception of Jesus remind us of the dignity of every unborn child.

Let us pray fervently to Our Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Conception, asking Her to help our nation respect life from the moment of conception, so each child may have the opportunity to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, gifts bestowed upon us by our creator.

O Mary, you who are our Mother, and you who were conceived without sin, pray for us, our families and our nation, who have recourse to thee.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

St. Nicholas, Dec. 6th

Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Nicholas of Myra, the saint who slapped a heretic in the face. Nicholas lived 300 years after Jesus.

His parents died when he was a young man. Very much saddened by their death, he decided to wisely use the money he had inherited to perform works of charity.

For example, St. Nicholas heard about a man who lost all his money. Not knowing what to do, the man made a bad decision and decided to sell his three daughters for money. When St. Nicholas heard about this, he was shocked and saddened that a man would sell his own daughters. In order to prevent this from happening, on three different occasions, St. Nicholas went out in the dark night and threw bags of gold threw a window of the man’s home to help the poor man and his three daughters. The last time he threw a bag of gold in the window, the father of the three girls saw Nicholas and thanked him for his generosity and came to understand how wrong it was to try to sell his daughters.

Later in his life, St. Nicholas was unjustly put into prison for proclaiming the Catholic faith. While in prison he was chained and tortured along with the other Christians. However, once the emperor Constantine permitted Christians to freely practice their faith, St. Nicholas was freed from prison.

He later became a monk and then became an abbot of a monastery. When there was a vacancy in the diocese of Myra, he was chosen bishop.

At the Church council of Nicea, St. Nicholas spoke against Bishop Arius. Arius denied that Jesus was God. Nicholas became angry and slapped Arius in the face. Due to this event, the other bishops decided to take away his office as bishop. They forced him to wear ordinary clothes, rather than the clothes of a bishop. Some of the bishops put Nicholas into prison-- for his bad example.

However, Jesus wanted everyone to know He was pleased with St. Nicholas, so Our Divine Lord and His Blessed Mother appeared to him while he was in prison, restored his freedom, and reinstated his office as bishop.

Once freed from prison, he heard about three innocent men, who were to be executed. St. Nicholas spoke up against their accuser, until the accuser confessed he knew the three men were innocent, and so, were set free.

After his death, some sailors were going through a very rough storm at sea, and prayed to St. Nicholas for help, and they miraculously reached the harbor safely.

Today, let us pray to St. Nicholas, that through his intercession, we will try to be holy and do acts of charity. And may the Blessed Virgin Mary prepare us for the celebration of the birth of Her Son!

Friday, December 3, 2021

2nd Sunday of Advent - Signs Preceding 2nd Coming


In the Gospel today, John the Baptist goes around “proclaiming a baptism of repentance.” He is the “Voice crying out in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.”

What does John the Baptist have to do with preparing for Christmas? During Advent, the Church wants us to focus on the First Coming of Jesus (Christmas) and the Second Coming of Jesus and prepare for these by repenting of our sins (going to Confession).

Jesus wants people to think He will come on the clouds of heaven in their own lifetime so we are vigilant and ready for His Coming. St. Paul and some of the early Christians thought Jesus was going to come in their time. But some Christians even quit their work because they thought it was imminent, but St. Paul told them to go back to work. (1 Thess. 4:11-12)

In 4th century St. Ephrem explains why Jesus wants us to think He coming is soon. He said,“(Jesus) described the signs of His coming…. Therefore, He used these words to increase respect for the signs of His coming, so that from that day forward all generations and ages might think He would come again in their own day.”

With regard to signs, in last week’s Gospel Jesus gave some signs that will precede His Second Coming. Our Lord said, “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will die in fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.”

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia 9 signs will precede the General Judgment. Not the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The signs in the sun, moon, roaring of the seas, earthquakes, famines, wars and stars falling, etc. is one sign.

2nd sign according St. Matthew, And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come" (Matthew 24:14).

The 3rd sign is the Great Apostasy spoken about by St. Paul in Thessalonians (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Apostasy means many Christians will no longer believe and will give up their faith.

The 4th sign -In Matthew 24:30, And then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven; and then will all tribes of the earth mourn and then they will see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of heaven with great power and majesty.” Jesus told St. Faustina, “There will be a great darkness over the whole earth. Then a great sign of the cross will appear in the sky. From the openings from where the hands and feet of the savior were nailed will come forth great lights..”

The 5th sign- The Reign of the Antichrist will last 3 ½ years. (Rev. 11:2) He will claim to be the messiah. Jews will accept him as such. He will claim to be God, work false miracles, persecute Christians, make Jerusalem the capital of the world, abolish the Mass, set up idols of himself to be adored. No one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they have the mark of the beast on their hand or forehead. (Rev. 13:16-17)

The 6th sign according to the book of Revelation Enoch and Elijah will come down from heaven and perform miracles and battle the Antichrist. (Revelation 11)

The 7th sign is the entire conversion of the Jewish people. St. Paul in his letter to the Romans said, "And so all Israel should be saved.…(11:25-26)

The 8th sign is the Universal Conflagration. St. Peter said, the entire earth will be “burned by fire.” (2 Peter 3:10-13; 1).

The 9th sign is the trumpet of the resurrection. An angel will blow a trumpet announcing the resurrection of the Dead, then the final judgment. “Then all will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.(Matthew 24:30)

Another sign not mentioned in the Catholic Encyclopedia, but located in the Catechism of the Catholic Church #677, “The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, . . . only by God’s victory over the final unleashing of evil, . . . God’s triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgment after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world.” The Catholic Church will appear to die in imitation of Jesus, who died on the Cross. But the gates of hell shall not prevail. These nine signs and the sign of the Church’s passover Catholics should believe will happen.

There are two additional events: the illumination of conscience and the three days of darkness, some saints speak about, but they are private revelation, and we are not required to believe.

St. Edmond Campion said, "I pronounce a great day... the Terrible Judge, should reveal all men's consciences and try every man of each kind of religion. This is the day of change." Blessed Anna Maria Taigi said, "A great purification will come upon the world, preceded by an "Illumination of conscience" in which everyone will see themselves as God sees them." If this happens we don’t want to have very many sins on our soul because it will be horrifying to see the consequences of our sins towards God, others and our own soul.

About the three days of darkness, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi said, “There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. All the enemies of the Church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during the universal darkness... The air will be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.”

Jesus also spoke to St. Padre Pio saying, “Keep your windows well covered. Do not look out. Do not go outside the house. Provide for yourself so sufficient food. The powers of nature shall be moved and a rain of fire shall make people tremble with fear. Have courage! I am in the midst of you!” Storms, bad weather, thunderbolts and earthquakes will cover the earth for two days. Those who hope in me and believe in my words have nothing to fear because I will not forsake them nor those who spread my message. No harm will come to those who are in the state of grace and who seek my Mother’s protection.”

Could the Second Coming of Jesus be near? Is the Antichrist about to come in the world? Will people be forbidden to buy or sell anything without getting the mark of the beast? Will there soon be a world wide persecution, earthquakes, tidal waves, famines and war? What about the illumination of conscience and the three days of darkness? Will all this happen in our life time?

With regard to the Second Coming of Jesus, St. Ephrem said, “(Jesus) described the signs of His coming…. Therefore, He used these words to increase respect for the signs of His coming, so that from that day forward all generations and ages might think He would come again in their own day.” But he also said, “When the Lord commanded us to be vigilant, He meant vigilance in both parts of man: in the body, against the tendency to sleep; in the soul, against lethargy and timidity. As Scripture says, “Wake up, you just and I have risen, and am still with you; and again, Do not lose heart.”

Jesus wants us to believe these things will happen in our life time, therefore we are to be vigilant and not lose heart. Even if these events occur in our lifetime, we should not be afraid, except for our sins on our soul.

By adoring Jesus every week during your Holy Hour, by confessing your sins monthly, by staying in the state of grace, by daily praying the Rosary and daily reading the Bible, you are being vigilant. You will not lose heart, because your faith and your love of Jesus gives you hope. Jesus is with us so we have nothing to fear.

John the Baptist is a reminder to repent before Christmas and before His Second Coming. And this way, we will be ready for both. In the meantime, we have confidence in God’s mercy and we trust Jesus, our loving God. As St. Padre Pio said, “If we are in the state of grace and seek Mary’s Motherly protection, no harm will come to us.”

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Roe vs Wade (Abortion) Has Got to Go!

Abortion Videos Below

Pray for the Supreme Court & Our Country



The Horror of Abortion

Warning Graphic! Lord Have Mercy on the USA!

 Click on this Link: 2nd Trimester Abortion

Click on this Link: Dilation & Suction Abortion

 Hope After Abortion - Project Rachel 

1-888-456-HOPE (4673)

If God can forgive Bernard Nathanson, an abortionist who did 75,000 abortions and Abby Johnson, Director of Planned Parenthood, who had two abortions, He can forgive anyone has had an abortion. Trust in the infinite Mercy of Jesus. Abortion Clinic Worker who wants out? see Video.


Pray the Chaplet of Tears: Chaplet Video

Rosary of Seven Sorrows: Seven Sorrows Rosary Video

Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Chaplet of Divine Mercy Video

Pray Litany of the Saints: Litany of the Saints




Monday, November 29, 2021

Nov. 30th - St. Andrew

 Saint Andrew the Apostle – Saint of the Day from My Catholic Life!

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Andrew!

St. Andrew was born in Bethsaida in Galilee. When Jesus began His public ministry, Andrew was living with his brother, Peter at Capharnaum, which was an important town on the western shore of the Lake of Genezareth, where the two earned their living as fisherman. They were business partners with the brothers James and John, who would also become followers of Jesus. Before they met Jesus, Andrew and John were disciples of John the Baptist. It was Andrew, who first discovered Jesus and then went to tell his brother Peter, “We have found the Messiah”.

Peter and his brother Andrew must have thought they were having an ordinary day, as they were casting their net into the sea. But on this particular day, Jesus called out to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately, they left their boat, and followed the Lord, and so became disciples and fishers of men.

Later they would learn to “catch men” by preaching about Jesus and His teachings.

St. Paul said, “How can anyone believe in Him if they had not heard about Jesus”. “How can anyone hear without someone to preach?” Therefore, Peter and Andrew went about preaching everywhere, so they could get as many as possible to believe in Jesus, because they knew no one could hear about Him and come to know about Him, unless someone preached about Him.

St. Andrew went about preaching Jesus in the countries of Turkey, Greece and Russia. Andrew was captured in the city of Patras in western Greece. He was imprisoned, and then severely scourged and then was bound to an X shaped cross and from the cross, he preached for two days. Just before his death by Crucifixion, he was enveloped in a great light from heaven, and when the light faded, he gave up his spirit and died. Because he brought the faith to Russia he is venerated as their patron saint.

All of us are called to proclaim the Gospel. Our actions are the strongest proclamation of the Gospel. Who would believe us, if we failed to put into action, what we preached?

The Blessed Virgin Mary was the perfect follower of Jesus, and by Her prayers many have come and will follow Her Divine Son.

On this feast of St. Andrew, let us implore his prayers and with the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, others will come to know, to believe, to love, and to follow Her Divine Son.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Ivermectin Approved by National Institute of Health


 Ivermectin Now Approved by the National Institute of Health

 As soon as you have any Covid symptoms immediately get a prescription from your doctor and tell him or her that it is now approved for the use of Covid.

 Covid Presentation and Discussion



1st Monday of Advent


In the Gospel today, Jesus helps us to see how the centurion is a witness to faith. Despite the fact that the centurion is a gentile and not a Jew, he believes the Lord needs to only say the word and his servant shall be healed.
Back then it was known by everyone gentiles were not permitted to enter the houses of Jews nor could they enter into the temple otherwise their home or the temple would be defiled by a pagan. The centurion’s words, “Lord I am not worthy that thou should enter under my roof”, shows the centurion’s respect for Jewish beliefs, but also his humility in his belief that Jesus is someone of great importance and can do whatever He pleases. He only needs to say the word and it will be done.

And so that is why the Church desires Catholics to say the words of the centurion before receiving Holy Communion. For truly as sinners we are defiled by our sins (and cannot even receive Jesus in Holy Communion if we have committed a mortal sin, unless we first go to Confession). Yet the Lord God comes under the roof of our mouth and into the home of our heart, though unworthy we may be for even having venial sins on their soul. Our faith is like that of the centurion, we believe that the Lord can and will heal our soul paralyzed by sin, but also heal others who are unable to come to Mass and receive Holy Communion.

Who is it you want the Lord to heal of their physical or spiritual ailment today? Offer your Communion for them, though Jesus may not physically go there, at His word, they can be healed.

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection