Thursday, November 24, 2022

St. Catherine of Alexandria - Nov. 25th


 Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Catherine of Alexandria. She was a virgin martyr, who lived many centuries ago in the late 200’s and early 300’s of Christianity.

As a young lady, she read much about Christianity, and became Christian, after she had a vision of Our Lady with the Child Jesus. When the emperor heard of the young noble Christian woman, from Alexandria, he had her brought to him. She rebuked the emperor for worshiping idols. He was unable to reply against her arguments about his pagan gods, and so, he had 50 philosophers attempt to refute her, in a public debate. She easily one every point and made them look foolish. The emperor became angered, and had all 50 philosophers were burned to death. The emperor then responded by offering to marry her, if she would renounce her faith. She refused, which resulted in her getting beaten, scourged, and put into prison.

The emperor then went out of town to inspect his military forces, and when he returned, he discovered, that Catherine had converted the queen, and 200 of the queen’s bodyguard. The emperor had the queen, and all 200 soldiers put to death.

Catherine was sentenced to death, on a spiked wheel. When she was fastened to the wheel, its spikes flew off, and killed some onlookers. She was then beheaded. It is believed, angels carried her body to Mount Sinai. And in 526 the emperor Justinian built a monastery dedicated to St. Catherine on Mount Sinai.

She is often times pictured with a spiked wheel, or with a sword in her hand. The modern Catherine wheel, used as fireworks, is named after her. It is believed she appeared to St. Dominic. Dominicans have her as their special patronage.

St. Joan of Arc received spiritual advice by way of voices, from many saints, including St. Catherine of Alexandria.

She is the patron for philosophers, lawyers, librarians and teachers. St. Catherine boldly stood up for truth, and for justice, against the evil forces of the world. She also was willing to suffer for Her divine spouse for the sake of her virginity.

Today, we can expect evil forces to oppose us, but, by God’s grace, by our reliance on Jesus Christ, by boldly refuting modern day idols of the world, by living holy lives, and by our steadfast proclaiming of the truth to the world, we shall be victorious.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus, give us the courage to witness to our faith in imitation of St. Catherine of Alexandria, even unto death.

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