Sunday, November 20, 2022

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Nov. 21st

 Explanation of the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple. Even though Sacred Scripture doesn’t say anything about Mary’s Presentation in the Temple, the belief is based upon by a very ancient tradition of the Catholic Church. And the Church has given it, official recognition by making it a special Marian Feast.

It’s believed that when St. Anne was childless, she and her spouse St. Joachim, made a promise to God, that if they would conceive a child, the child would dedicated to God. Once the child was born, the sacrifice would be a great one, but their love was entirely pure and holy, as they preferred God’s glory and pleasure. And so, when Mary was three years old, they took Her to the temple to be consecrated to God.

On Mary’s part, She totally gave Herself to God, consecrating Herself to Him, and vowed Her Perpetual Virginity. She left Her home, Her family, and aging parents behind, to consecrate Herself solely to Her Divine Master.

Many young virgins attempted to enter into the service of the Lord at the temple, but not all were permitted. They had to undergo questioning and approval by the priests. The young Virgin Mary, must have dazzled the priests by Her perfect answers, and so, would have been easily admitted, due to Her abundance of grace. While in the temple, Mary remained with other young virgins to be educated and trained to serve the sanctuary and sacred priests, by making vestments, and ornaments, and assisting at services, and contributing to the worship of God, in whatever manner was possible, for a young girl of the time.

How sorrowful for Sts. Joachim and Anne to leave their only daughter at the Temple, after just three years, from which She was born.

The Gospel for the feast calls our attention to the total dedication of Mary to God’s service, and Her obedience to God’s plans, because She always did the will of the Father, from Her tender years as a child, to the day of Her Assumption into heaven.

All of us are mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters of Jesus, as we joyfully serve God, by doing His Holy Will in our life. It is never too late to dedicate our self, to the service of the Lord, in whatever manner we are able.

And so, with a prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori, we cry out to Mary, “Behold, O Mary, I present myself to You today, offering myself entirely to Your service, for whatever days I have left still on this earth. I renounce all creatures as you did, and vow myself entirely to the love of the Creator. Accept O Most Holy Virgin, the offering; accept it, I beg, by the consolation Your Heart felt when you gave Your Self to God in the temple. O Mother of Mercy, help my weakness by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me, from your Jesus, the strength to be faithful to you until death. And Grant that after having served You, always in this life, I may go to praise You, eternally, in Paradise.” Amen.

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