Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Blessed Miguel Pro - Nov. 23rd


 In the Gospel today, Jesus told the crowd, “They will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to the synagogues and to prisons and they will lead you before kings and governors because of my name.”

Our Lord’s prediction certainly came true as Christians would be persecuted for the first 300 years, until Constantine would give his edict permitting Christianity as a religion. The apostles were all martyred except John. They did however, try to kill him and he was most certainly persecuted. Thousands upon thousands of early Christians would be killed for the faith, some were killed in the Coliseum, but many more were killed in what was called a circus.

Peter would be placed in prison, but would be freed by an angel. Paul would be put into prison several times. Paul was stoned and beaten with iron rods. Peter was eventually captured again and then crucified upside down on Vatican Hill. Paul was captured again and was in prison for years and then they cut off his head near Rome.

Jesus Himself was persecuted beyond measure. He was taken before the governor Pilate and before king Herod.

It was said in the early Church, that those who would be named bishops would most likely be martyred. That is why they wear the red zucchetto cap, to remind them to expect to be martyred for the faith.

Jesus gives the reason why they would be persecuted; He said they would be persecuted because of His name. Those who would follow Him, follow the way of love, the way of the Gospel would find themselves being handed over by parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends. He said, “You will be hated because of My Name.”

Today is the feast of Blessed Miguel Pro, a priest martyr from Mexico. Due to the persecution in Mexico, it was illegal to perform the sacraments in the early 1900’s. Fr. Miguel disguised himself as a layman, so he could administer the sacraments secretly. By wearing regular clothes, he was able to go about the city giving Holy Communion. He distributed Holy Communion to 1,300 people in a singe day. Despite the danger of getting caught by the police, he continued to administer the sacraments and was arrested several times.

In 1927, after a bomb exploded, aimed at killing the president, Fr. Miguel was arrested but had nothing to do with it. He had no trial. And moments before he was shot, the Holy Spirit gave him wisdom to speak to his adversaries. A remarkable photograph was taken just before his death. With arms outstretched, his last words were, “Vivo Christo Rey”, “Long live Christ the King”.

Today, persecution continues to rage. Saudi Arabia do not permit Christians to practice their faith. Anyone with a bible, or crucifix or if they were to attend Christian worship, can themselves arrested and placed into prison. They same holds true for China as well. China is notorious for killing and imprisoning Catholics especially bishops and cardinals. The 90 year old, Cardinal Zen was arrested in Hong Kong and has been imprisoned and he recently went on trial.

The words of Jesus spoken 2000 yrs, ago apply to us today. We should expect persecution, and be hated because of His name. But, it is our duty to forgive those who hurt us and pray for those who persecute us, that they too may follow the way of Jesus, who is the only way to the Father in heaven. As we celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow, let us be thankful to God for allowing us to suffer for Him even in such a small way in our own families. And may the Blessed Virgin Mary, She who is the help of Christians, come to the aid of all those who are hated and persecuted because of the name of Jesus.

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