Tuesday, September 27, 2022

St. Lawrence Ruiz - Sept. 28th


Today is the memorial of Lawrence Ruiz and companions. He was from the Philippines, which is an island country in the ocean. Lawrence was married and had children. One day, he was accused of killing a man, but didn’t do it. Lawrence escaped by hiding in a boat with priests, who were going to Japan.

When he arrived and his travelers were arrested by people who hated Christians. Lawrence, the priests, and the other people who were with them, were told that if they would say they weren’t Christian, they would live. But Lawrence was not afraid to let others know He was Catholic, even though He knew would be tortured and killed.

This is what Lawrence told those who captured him. He said, “Had I a thousand lives, I would offer all them for (Jesus). Never shall I deny my faith. You may kill me, if that is what you want. To die for God, such is my will.”

Lawrence Ruiz was thankful that Jesus laid down His life in Jerusalem for him. He loved Jesus because Jesus suffered so much for Him and died for him. And because of His love for Jesus, He was willing to die for Our Lord. The greatest gift God has given us is that He laid down His life for us on the Cross, showing us how much He loves us. Today, may we be like Lawrence Ruiz and be thankful for our Holy Catholic faith and may we never deny that we are Christians, because we love Jesus, especially because Jesus went to Jerusalem to die for us.

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