Sunday, September 25, 2022

Saints Cosmas & Damien - Sept. 26th

Ss Cosmas and Damian – SS. Cosmas and Damian Parish

 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints!

Today we celebrate the martyrs St. Cosmas and Damian, who lived about the year 300AD. Their names are in the Roman Canon of the Mass, in Eucharistic Prayer I. They were called “the money less ones” because they practiced medicine without charging fees. They were twin brothers, born in Arabia. A persecution began and they were eventually captured and beheaded. One legend has it that they defied death by water, fire, and crucifixion. While they were hanging on the crosses, a mob stoned them, but the rocks re-coiled and landed on the heads of those who tossed the stones. It is believed three of their brothers were martyred with them. After their death, miraculous healings were attributed to their intercession. They sometimes appeared to the sick while asleep, and would prescribe for them, or would cure their illness. The emperor Justinian I, attributed a recovery from a serious illness to the relics of Cosmas and Damian. They are patrons of surgeons, physicians and druggists.

With regards to martyrs in general, St. Augustine said, “In the glorious deeds of the holy martyrs, who everyone adorns the Church, we verify the truth, of what we have been singing, Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints! They are precious in our sight, and in the sight of him, in whose name it was done. The price paid for these deaths was the death of one man. How many deaths indeed this one man, bought by dying. When the soldier’s lance cut its way into His side, the price paid for the whole world flowed forth. The martyrs and all the faithful were bought with it, but the faith of the martyrs was also tested: their blood bore witness to their faith.” As we prepare to receive the Eucharist, let us offer our self to Him, on the paten, knowing the sacrifice of our self, will be precious in the sight of the Lord.

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