Friday, September 16, 2022

24th Friday - Women Who Followed Jesus

In the Gospel today, the 12 apostles and some women followed Jesus when He want about preaching the Good News and the provided resources for His needs.

We know three names of the women, Joanna, who was the wife of Herod’s servant Chuza, Susanna, who we don’t know anything about, and Mary Magdalene, who the Gospel tells us, Jesus cast out 7 demons. It also states there were other women were freed of their infirmities and from demons.

Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Some saints speculate that the seven demons which departed from Mary Magdalene were associated with the 7 capital sins: lust, anger, pride, sloth, intemperance, envy and greed. After being forgiven by Jesus and delivered from these demons, she tagged along Jesus and was at the foot of the Cross. Our Lord rewarded her for her deep repentance, faith and love by appearing to her first, even before the 12 apostles. Its believed she live a life as a hermit after Jesus ascended into heaven.

So there is hope for every sinner, that God’s mercy can triumph in the heart of every sinner and even make them a great saint.

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