Wednesday, March 30, 2022

4th Wednesday of Lent "Mother Forget Her Child?"


The reading from the prophet Isaiah today, sheds light on God’s love for each individual person, and he speaks of how God never forgets the covenant He made with His people.

The people of God suffer from their own sins and sins of others, but God is with them through it all. But it was through Our Lord’s suffering, death and resurrection, that He established a new and everlasting covenant. Because of His new covenant, He forgives sins, and says to the prisoners held bound by the bondage of sin, “Come out!” To those in the darkness of evil, “Show yourselves”.

Because God is with us in the person of Jesus, He states, no longer shall the people neither hunger and thirst, nor shall the scorching wind strike them---due to their sins. “For the Lord comforts His people and shows mercy to His afflicted.” by forgiving them.

The depths in which God loves and cares for each individual person, is also revealed by the prophet Isaiah’s words, “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you.”

With these words, Our Lord is comparing His infinite love for an individual person, to the natural love of a mother toward her unborn child. A mother’s love is so tender and so intense that is would seem inconceivable, she would forget her very own child within her womb. But God says that even if it were possible, that a mother could forget her unborn child, He would not forget, because He loves each person infinitely, no matter how small.

And if it were possible, that no one in the whole world, would remember or love the unborn child, not even the child’s mother--- God in His compassion, and love would not forget the child created in His own image and likeness.

Today, we can’t help, but think, about the millions of mothers, who have forgotten to love their unborn child. But God does not forget, God cannot not forget, God will not forget, because He infinitely loves each child and holds it-- in the palm of His hand.

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