Thursday, February 3, 2022

Feb. 5th St. Agatha

Saints Alive! | St. Agatha – My Daily Bread: A Reason2bCatholic blog

Today is the memorial of St Agatha. As a young girl, Agatha dedicated herself to God. She was a virgin, who was martyred for her faith. It is believed, she was the daughter of a distinguished family. She was an incredibly beautiful young woman. Because of her beauty, the Senator Quintansius, who was madly in love with her, persecuted her. Agatha spurned his proposals, and so maintained her Christian faith. She was put in a house of prostitution, but was steadfast in maintaining her purity. She was then subjected to many cruel tortures including being placed on a rack and burned with torches.

She even had her breasts cut off but was consoled in a vision by St. Peter, who miraculously healed her. St. Methodius, said, “she is the bride bretrothed to one husband, Christ. A true virgin, she wore the glow of pure conscience and the crimson of the Lamb’s blood for her cosmetics. Agatha’s name means good. She was truly good, for she lived as a child of God. She was also given as a gift of God, the source of all goodness to her bridegroom, Christ, and to us.” St. Methodius explains that she continues to be good to us as she triumphs through her divine miracles.

She lived in Sicily, Italy and after her martyrdom was buried near a local church. About a year after her death, a miracle was reported due to her prayers from heaven. As a young girl she used to wear a veil. After her death, people would go to the church to see her veil, which was kept in the church.

A nearby Volcano began to erupt causing red hot lava to flow. The lava headed toward the city and threatened to destroy all the homes by fire. The people believed Agatha was a saint and was in heaven with Jesus. So they took her veil and marched in procession toward the lava. They held the veil near the lava and a miracle happened. The lava suddenly stopped flowing and the city was saved. The people believed it was a miracle and understood it was because Agatha asked Jesus in heaven to spare the city.

Today, pray to St. Agatha, whose name means “good” and ask her to help you to be good everyday.

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