Monday, February 28, 2022

8th Tuesday - "We Have Left Everything to Follow You"

 CATCA "We have left everything and followed you" - CATCA

 In the Gospel today, Peter said to Jesus, “We have left everything and followed you.” When he said this, he must have wanted to remind the Lord of his great love for Him and all that he gave up to be one of His followers.

They left everything behind, including his family such as his brothers, sisters--- and for Peter, he even left his wife behind in order to follow Jesus. Recall that he left behind his fishing business. His brother Andrew also was one of his fishing partners and he too began to follow Jesus. Peter was actually wealthy because of his fishing business. Near the Sea of Galilee in Caphernaum archaeologists unearthed the home in which Peter lived. It was rather large compared to other homes during his time.

When seminarians and religious brothers and sisters begin to follow Jesus, they leave behind their family, their friends, their job and also give up having a spouse and children. Because priests and religious follow Jesus as one of His disciples, they are live in such a way, they give up worldly desires and ambitions always seeking the kingdom of heaven instead.

What Jesus said to Peter applies to priests and religious today. Our Lord said, “Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers and sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age and eternal life in the next.

That is why priests are called father and religious sisters are looked upon as mother, because everyone becomes their sons and daughters and once in heaven, saints like Padre Pio, still have those on earth as their spiritual children.

Today, let us pray young men and women, may they come to realize that even though they have given up everything to follow Jesus, they are blessed not only in this life, but especially in the life to come.

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