Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Feb. 10th - St. Scholastica

 GREGORY I (DIALOGUS):Second Dialogue.(Life of St. Benedict)

It’s been kinda dry this winter. We haven’t had much rain or snow. We need moisture.

Have you ever prayed for rain? Farmers most likely pray for rain every spring, because they want the wheat, corn, and milo to grow in the fields. There is a saint, perhaps, they should pray to, if they want rain.

Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Scholastica. She was the sister of the monk, St. Benedict. When she prayed for rain, God answered her prayers. Here is a true story about her and her brother.

One day she invited her brother over to her home, for a visit. After they talked most of the day, it was getting late in the evening, when her brother, St. Benedict wanted to leave to return to the place he lived. But, St. Scholastica wanted to continue to talk to her brother, and so wanted to stay up late talking about Jesus, and spiritual things. However, he was tired and really wanted to leave. So, she joined her hands together on the table, in prayer, and laid her head upon her hands, and began to pray. Suddenly there were brilliant flashes of lightening and thunder, and it began to rain very hard. It rained so hard, her brother was unable to leave. St. Benedict told his sister, “May God forgive you sister. What have you done?” She answered, “Well, I asked you, and you would not listen; so I asked my God, and He did listen.” So now go off, if you can, leave me and return to the place where you stay.” But he was unable to leave, and so the brother and sister talked all night long, about Jesus, and spiritual things. St. Scholastica’s prayer was answered by God, so she and her brother could talk about holy things.

So, if you ever want it to rain, or a whole bunch of snow, you can pray to St. Scholastica.

St. Scholastica, pray for us, that we may desire to grow in holiness talking about Jesus and spiritual things to others and intercede for us for the moisture we need for our crops, animals and livelihood.

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