Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wed. 25th Week- Trust in God's Providence

I’m sure most of you have gone on vacations to different places. While we are on vacation, we are on a journey. Some of you may have went to Kansas City to World’s of Fun, or to watch the Kansas City Royals or Kansas City Chiefs, others may have went to the Ozarks in Branson Missouri, still others may have went out to the lake to go camping. In order for us to go to these places, we need to travel, usually by car, and maybe by airplane. When we travel, we need to take things with us, like food, clothes and money in order to stay in a motel, or we may bring with us a tent, with a lantern and pillow if we sleep outside in a tent. Children who go to school carry a backpack in order to help take our books or perhaps their lunch.

Jesus told his disciples something that was rather surprising, He said, “Take nothing on your journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money.” Back then, they didn’t have cars or airplanes, and most people didn’t even have a horse to ride. Most people walked from place to place. It would take days to walk from city to city and the journey was not easy. The reason why Jesus told His disciples to take nothing on their journey was because He wanted them to trust God would provide everything they needed. Jesus is NOT telling us to NOT carry backpacks. He telling us to NOT take food or money, when we go on a journey. Jesus is trying to tell us to trust Him and He will take care of all our needs. He provides our food, clothing, home, and everything we need. If we need anything, we should pray to Jesus, trusting He will provide all we need. The Mother of Jesus always trusted God would provide all that She needed as She cared for the baby Jesus. May we ask Mary to help us to trust in God’ providence and pray to God for everything we need.

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