Thursday, September 23, 2021

25th Friday - Solitude

 In the very first sentence of today’s Gospel it says that Jesus was praying in solitude. We can examine this one sentence to see the importance of what Jesus did. When we pray, there can be many distractions around us, including family, television or radio or even pets. That’s why is best for us if we go to pray in solitude. Eucharistic Adoration is the place where many of us find that solitude, so that we are alone with God. Solitude helps us to focus more easily on the Lord and His promptings of the Holy Spirit. We can listen better to God’s silent voice within our heart, when we are alone with Him. The Church is also a very silent place to pray and if we are unable to come to church, we can go to our room, close the door and kneel down by our bed. Other places of solitude include a lake or a fishing pond or somewhere out in the country. Today, let us resolve to go to regularly to a quite, out of the way place to be with God in solitude and may we turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and ask Her to help us to listen to the voice of God, when we are alone with Him.

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