Monday, September 6, 2021

23rd Tuesday - "Call of the Apostles"

 In the Gospel, Jesus summons His twelve apostles. Who are these twelve men? Two were tax collectors Matthew and James the Less (IRS workers). Seven were fisherman (Peter, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James the greater). The occupation of Simon the Zealot is unknown. He was a political liberator. Little is know about Thaddeus, often called Jude-, the patron of the impossible. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. He held the common purse. Perhaps he worked with money, prior to his call.

Why did the Lord choose men of such little standing in society and of no importance in the eyes of the world? None were princes, leaders of the synagogue or Roman officials. They were simple, plain, uneducated men apparently weak, and at times jealous of each other. One betrayed Jesus and then committed suicide. All fled during the arrest of Jesus in the garden.

Despite Peter’s weaknesses, Jesus chose him as leader. Recall Peter tempted Jesus to avoid His crucifixion. He denied Our Lord, three times. Yet, Peter became the bishop of Rome, the first Pope. Thousands were converted, because of St. Peter’s speech at Pentecost. Some were healed by his shadow. He even raised someone back to life. He died being crucified upside down.

All traveled long distances and became leaders of various cities and regions. They were our first bishops. They expelled demons, healed the sick and preached the Kingdom of Heaven. Ten were martyred.

St. John, the only one at the foot of the Cross, wouldn’t be martyred. But they tried to kill him, by boiling him in oil, but it had no affect on him. He took the Mother of Jesus into his home and lived to be nearly 100 years old.

These simple uneducated men carried on the work of the Redemption delivering truth and grace to mankind. Our Lord chose them Himself, kept them constantly with Him, prayed for them and made them His chief care fit for their great office. Jesus chose weak men to show the world, the spread of the Gospel, was not due to human learning, but solely God’s grace.

Today, with Mary, the Queen of Apostles, let us praise and thank God, for the Holy Apostles, whom Jesus chose to become the very foundation of the Catholic Church!

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