Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Wed. 16th Week - Bread from Heaven

In the first reading, the Jews, in the desert grumbled wanting something to eat, to survive their journey in the desert. The Lord said, “I will now rain down bread from heaven for you”. And so, in the morning, dew lay on the campground, and after it evaporated, manna appeared in the form of bread, for them to eat. The manna in the desert, which came down from heaven foreshadows Jesus int the Eucharist.

Our Blessed Lord called Himself, “Bread from Heaven”. Jesus told the Jews, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” The Jews murmured just as their ancestors, because they could not believe Jesus could have down from heaven. But Jesus compared Himself to the manna given to the Israelites, in the desert. He said, “Your ancestors ate manna in the desert, but they died; I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever and the bread that I will give is my Flesh, for the life of the world.”

It is no coincidence Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, which means “House of Bread.” It was no coincidence, He was placed in a manger, used for food for animals. He is the true bread from heaven, as He came to dwell in Mary’s womb. It is no coincidence He changed bread into His body at the Last Supper. And now comes to us here upon the altar, as our spiritual food for our journey, as Jesus said, “He who eats this bread will live forever.”

O Jesus we cannot see You, though You appear to be bread.

Here on the altar, we believe, what you said.

I am the bread from heaven”.

May we gaze upon Your Sacred Host,

which we love the most.

O Eucharistic Lord, we come to eat Your flesh,

May you rest in our heart, like a dove.

And fill us with your love.

O bread from heaven, O Eucharistic Lord,

come to us through Mary,

Your flesh, She constantly adored.

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