Tuesday, July 6, 2021

14th Wednesday "Go to Joseph"

 In the first reading today, Joseph met his brothers, after many years. Recall years earlier, they had sold him into slavery for 30 pieces of silver because they were jealous of him for enjoying his father’s favor. Due to the famine, the brothers out of desperation, came to get some grain, from the governor, who happened to be their brother. But they didn’t recognize him. Pharaoh directed all the Egyptians to “go to Joseph” and do whatever he told them.

Every first Wednesday of the month is dedicated to a different Joseph, St. Joseph, the spouse of Mary and foster father of Jesus. Some images of St. Joseph have the Latin words, “Ita ad Joseph”, which means “go to Joseph”, the same words are taken from the reading for today, as the people were to go to Joseph of the Old Testament for all their needs.

The Virgin Mary is the greatest of all saints and St. Joseph is the second greatest of all saints. Joseph intimately knew Jesus and most likely lived with Our Lord for 30 years before Joseph died. We should go to Joseph for whatever we need, just as we go to Mary for whatever we need. They are great intercessors.

Fr. Donald Calloway wrote a book called Consecration to St. Joseph, which is 33 days of spiritual exercises and you can read about a different wonder of St. Joseph every day. Then on the last day, consecrate yourself to him.

I encourage you to purchase the book and do the consecration. St. Joseph was the best spouse, and the best foster father. He is an image of God the Father. His life of virtue and his holiness can help us to become a saint.

Since today is the first Wednesday of the month, ask St. Joseph for whatever you need. What are you going to ask Joseph? Be bold, and ask. God wants us to turn to the saints for their help, so he can glorify them. It ad Joseph, Go to Joseph!

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection