Monday, July 19, 2021

16th Tuesday - Mary Always Did God's Will

In the Gospel today, when Jesus was talking to a group of people in a house, His Mother, the Virgin Mary came to talk to Him. Someone said, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, asking to speak with you.”
Obviously, the people in crowd were not his blood brothers nor were the women His birth mother. Because Mary was a perpetual virgin, She never had any other children except Jesus, and so the “brothers” who were with her, were either His cousins or disciples.

Perhaps, there was too many people in the house for Mary and them to enter. Our Lord then said something that sounds strange, “Who is my my mother? Who are my brothers?” He then pointed to the people in the crowd and said, “Here are my mother and brothers.” But then He told them exactly what He meant. Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father, is my brother and sister and mother.” In another words, Our Lord wanted to use His Mother as an example of one who always did the will of God and He wanted everyone to imitate Her and said, all who do the will of God is my mother and sister and brother.

The Virgin Mary most perfectly did what God wanted Her entire life. She never once sinned. Mary was the perfect human being. All of us are imperfect because we choose to sin once in a while. If we ever seek to know God’s will, we should turn to Her as an intercessor.

And so we pray, “O Mary, our Mother, help us to do what God wants by doing His will on all things. Give us grace, so we may do the ordinary things in our life (which are God’s will), out of love of Jesus and for love of others.”

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14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection