Saturday, January 15, 2022

Covid 19 Treatment Protocol- Dr. Zelenko

Treatment Options

Low risk patients
  • Supportive care with fluids, fever control, and rest
  • Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day for 7 days
Optional over the counter options
  • Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day for 7 days or
  • Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 400mg 1 time a day for 7 days
Moderate / High risk patients
  • Elemental Zinc 50-100mg once a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin D3 10000iu once a day for 7 days or 50000iu once a day for 1-2 days
  • Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or
  • Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days
  • Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days and/or
  • Ivermectin 0.4-0.5mg/kg/day for 5-7 days Either or both HCQ and IVM can be used, and if one only, the second agent may be added after about 2 days of treatment if obvious recovery has not yet been observed etc.
Treatment Options
  • Dexamethasone 6-12mg 1 time a day for 7 days or
  • Prednisone 20mg twice a day for 7 days, taper as needed
  • Budesonide 1mg/2cc solution via nebulizer twice a day for 7 days
  • Blood thinners (i.e. Lovenox, Eliquis, Xarelto, Pradaxa, Aspirin)
  • Colchicine 0.6mg 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days
  • Monoclonal antibodies
  • Home IV fluids and oxygen 

Friday, January 14, 2022

2nd Sunday - Wedding Feast of Cana


A few years ago, I witnessed at a wedding at Sacred Heart in Halstead. While giving the homily, the people began to chuckle for some unknown reason. My homily wasn’t funny. I was explaining the sacrificial meaning of love within marriage. But, the people were pointing towards me and laughing. I finally stopped in the middle of the homily and smiling at the crowd said, “Why are you laughing?”. The people pointed to a bird that was directly behind me. It had flown in the church and had landed on the electric light candelabra. I opened the nearest door and the bird immediately flew out. The people were in awe and so was I. I looked at the bride and groom and said, “I guess the Lord wanted to send you a love bird.” The young couple had their first crisis and they hadn’t even exchanged their vows, but the Lord took care of it. I suspect the couple was originally embarrassed, but the situation had a good conclusion and they were happy how it turned out.

In today’s Gospel, it must have been a big embarrassment in Cana when the wedding party ran out of wine. When we consider that at that time a wedding celebration lasted not just for a day like our celebrations but for a whole week the embarrassment would be even more acute. Because the wedding celebration was so long it is no wonder Jesus changed 180 gallons of water into wine. The bad situation became rectified when Mary turned to Jesus and said, “They have no wine.” Our Lord graciously complies with Mary’s request and changes water into wine working His first public miracle. Mary’s intercession helped the couple in their first marital crisis, even when they didn’t ask for it.

St. Alphonsus Ligorui said, “Mary, even when living in this world, showed at the marriage feast of Cana the great compassion that She would afterwards (in heaven) exercise toward us in our necessities. Even now it compels Her to have pity on us and assist us, even before we ask Her to do so. This good Mother’s compassion is so great, and the love She bears us is so great, that She doesn’t even wait for our prayers before she comes to assist us. Richard of Saint Victor remarks that her love for us is so tender, that in our needs she anticipates our prayers, and her mercy is more prompt to help us even before we ask her aid: “The Heart of Mary is so filled with compassion for poor sinners, She no sooner sees our miseries than She pours her tender mercies upon us. If Mary, (who no one asked), is so prompt to help the needy, how much more so will she be to help those who call upon Her and ask for Her help?”

Jesus worked His first miracle in the context of a wedding. On the first day of their wedding, the couple had their first crisis, they ran out of wine for the guests. This is a reminder that marriage will always have its difficulties. Our Lord’s presence at the wedding feast at Cana caused marriage to be elevated to a sacrament to help couples persevere through every difficulty. Its unrealistic to think there won’t be problems in a marriage. We should even expect problems and difficulties, but just as Jesus was there for the young couple at Cana, Jesus is there to help every couple in their marriage.

Don’t be afraid of difficulties within marriage, you will always have them, but its what you do--- when you have them that matters. To persevere through them. To know Jesus and Mary are there to help you, and Our Lord gives special sacramental graces to overcome them. Marriage brings about the sanctification of each person, which will help each other to get to heaven.

In fact, He can and will work a miracle for you within your marriage. He wants us to remember, He is God and can do anything, and will abundantly help you and do it an extravagant way.

Dear married couples, include Jesus and Mary in your marriage, so they will able to play a role in it. Daily pray the Rosary together (especially mediating on the wedding feast of Cana), which will give you hope and you will see an abundant of graces flow. If you have some difficulty or problem how quick would Jesus and Mary come to the aid of a couple, if you knelt down together in prayer.

How beautiful it is, the Virgin Mary loves you and intercedes for you, even though you do not ask Her, but how much more will She intercede for those who do ask Her. All of us single, married, priests should turn to Mary often asking for Her intercession.

In conclusion, the “Hail Holy Queen”, and also the “Memorare” are beautiful prayers we can use to ask Mary to intercede before God.

As we pray these prayers let us try to consciously pay attention to what we are praying.

Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, O most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy towards us, and after this exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, pray for us O holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Supreme Court Makes Ruling - (Vaccine Mandate) Jan. 13th

Businesses Vaccine Mandates Not Required.

However, businesses can require vaccines on their own.

Healthcare Workers Can Be Required to be Vaccinated.

Quote Pope Pius XI

CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive » Pope Pius XI

“The Church’s worst persecutors have been her own unfaithful bishops, priests, and religious. Opposition from the outside is terrible; it gives us many martyrs. But the Church’s worst enemies are her own traitors.”

Animals More Humane Than Humans

Woman Throws Live Baby into Dumpster

Warning- Video is Difficult to Watch
It's against the law to abandon a baby immediately after birth and to attempt to kill the child by throwing it in a dumpster. But its not against the law-- just before birth for an abortionist to kill the baby within her womb and then once the dead baby is removed, surgically cut out the baby's body parts and sell them for experiments to create medicine and the remains of the body is run through a garbage disposal.

Dog Keeps Abandoned Newborn Alive Alongside Her Own Litter Of Puppies

 On a late December night, someone in Chhattisgarh, India, abandoned their newborn baby, so young the umbilical cord was still attached. With no clothing or nutrition, the little girl’s chances of survival were very slim. Fortunately, a local stray dog had just given birth to a litter of puppies. The dog found the baby naked in a field and brought her over to the place where her puppies rested. Nestled alongside the group of dogs, the fragile baby stayed warm enough to endure cold overnight temperatures.

Read Article: It's a Miracle!



Friday, January 7, 2022

Baptism of the Lord- Vaccine Mandates


Today is the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. By His baptism, though He did not need it, because He is God and did not have original sin nor personal sin, out of humility, Jesus gave us an example to be baptized and at the same time makes all waters holy by His sacred body.

The Church teaches when we are baptized: Original sin and all personal sin is washed away. Our body becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit. We become a member of God’s family. Our citizenship is in heaven. We receive an indelible mark on our soul indicating we belong to Christ, we are His disciples and will try to avoid sin. We become members of the mystical body of Christ and are children of God.

As humans, we have God given rights. Our US constitution states we are created equal. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It guarantees religious freedom, the freedom to worship, the freedom of speech. The right to own property. These very freedoms are being threatened by those in authority today.

Those who are taking advantage of the Wuhan virus are preventing freedom of speech as can be seen with the Big Tech Companies, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google and the media, who block the truth, freedom of speech and sharing opinions. They especially censor Christian groups.

Government leaders in the world are taking away the rights of people and treating them in a tyrannical manner. Totalitarianism is sweeping the Globe, where citizens are subject to absolute authority and democracy is trampled. In some countries people cannot go to church to be in the presence of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and cannot receive Communion unless the get the vaccine.

Here are some example of countries mandatating vaccines and how they are treating unvaccinated people: In Italy- starting Feb. 15, no one can work above the age of 50 if not vaccinated. Anyone refusing vaccination will be fined 100 euros (113 dollars) Unvaccinated workers caught in the workplace will be subject to fines from 600–1500 euros (670 to 1700 dollars).  Residents seeking access to personal or public services, such as shopping malls, hairdressers, post offices, banks and government offices, will have to produce a green pass proving vaccination, recovery from COVID-19 or a negative test. 

Austria will become the first European country to make vaccinations against Covid 19 mandatory, and will go into its fourth nationwide lock down for at least 10 days. Ironically, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer who received 3 vaccinations, contracted COVID-19 during a meeting at which he was promoting mandatory vaccination. He said those refusing to be vaccinated are likely to face administrative fines, which can be converted into a prison sentence.

In February in Australia the unvaccinated will be fined $4,000 and may raise the amount to $10,000. Australia has quarantine camps, where people are arrested and required to be in quarantine in the facility, even if they do not test positive for covid, but only if they had contact with someone with covid.

Greece fines the unvaccinated over 60 yrs. old 100 Euros.

In Germany some dioceses are restricting Mass attendance to the vaccinated or those who recovered from covid. Under their new rules, those wishing to go to bars and restaurants, or shop anywhere but in stores carrying basic necessities — like pharmacies or grocery stores — have to present proof of vaccination or documentation of recovery from a recent coronavirus infection.

Israel: Whoever doesn’t vaccinate will only go out to supermarkets or pharmacies, while the vaccinated are able to go to stadiums and gyms,”

Justin Trudeau in Canada considers the unvaccinated as non-citizens. His party plans to remove the charity status of pro-life groups and pour money into so-called sexual and reproductive health programs. Canada’s Socialist party leader asked Trudeau to call upon military to vaccinate the unvaccinated.

In the Philippines, President Duterte said those not vaccinated will be arrested if they disobeyed stay-at-home orders.

In the US, companies and hospitals are requiring people to get vaccinated or they will lose their job or they won’t be hired. No Jab, No Job. New York City's sweeping mandate requiring nearly all private-sector businesses to ban unvaccinated employees from the workplace took effect Monday amid a spike in coronavirus infections. Proof of vaccination is also now required for children and teens to enter indoor public venues like restaurants and movie theaters. The Mayor of New York made this statement, “This is what we need to do everywhere. Every mayor, every governor, every CEO in America should do vaccine mandates now. ... 2022 has to be the year we leave COVID behind."

However, all of this is mass psychosis (not living in reality) was created from a false narrative. According to the CDC the vaccinated can contract covid, can give covid to others and both vaccinated and unvaccinated can die of covid. So why are the non-vaccinated treated as prisoners, as second class citizens. So if a person thinks they should vaccinate their children so the parent or family won’t get covid, this is wrong because both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can contract covid and give it to others. And it uses children as human shields to protect adults especially since it is extremely rare for children to become seriously ill from covid and it places them at risk from a vaccine known to cause nearly a million adverse reactions.

Hospitals are full and overflowing and people are not able to get medical care because of the many covid patients. Its reported many covid patients are unvaccinated. However, in Massachusetts 74% of hospital covid patients are vaccinated. Apparently the vaccines are not working as well as hoped.

In Kansas, some need conscious exemption letters to avoid getting vaccinated because it goes against their conscience. I have four friends whose conscience letters were denied and were fired for not getting vaccinated.

On Friday, the US Supreme Court took arguments on whether the US government can force companies with more than 100 employees to be vaccinated. In Kansas, on Nov. 2nd, last year, house bill 2001 was passed that states,if an employer implements a COVID-19 vaccination requirement, the employer shall exempt employee from such requirement without punitive action if the employee submits a written waiver request.”  And it says, “if the employer rejects it, then it can go to the attorney general for further legal action.”

So what does the Vatican say about vaccine mandates? The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith issued a statement in Dec. of 2020. It states, Practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.” 

Bishop Athanasius of Khakistan said: “The unvaccinated are treated as second class citizens. Only the vaccinated can participate in society such as the supermarket, go to church, eat at restaurants, work out at gyms, go to their jobs, take public transportation.” He said “This reminds me of Apartheid in South Africa or the policy of Hitler where some places Jews were forbidden to enter. Now the unvaccinated are forbidden to enter.” He said, its a new form of dictatorship. Anti-human dictatorship has occurred in the history of the world. The first was the French Revolution, then the Communist terror. Then the Nazi terror. Now we have the world terror of terrorizing people and discriminating them with forced mandated vaccines. In this case the state is appropriating our body. So we are losing the right of our own body, which is a temple of the Holy Spirit. It is becoming a materialistic, atheistic, Neo-communist dictatorship. He said, “We need to create a world wide alliance to to protect our rights and healthcare”.

Dr. Peter McCullough a cardiac doctor from Texas said, “Globalists have been waiting to mark people. If you get the vaccine you are marked in a data base. It can be used for trade, for commerce and for behavior modification. He said in Dallas, you can’t go to a Dallas Maverick’s game unless you are vaccinated. Colleges said they are not giving any credit for natural immunity, which occurs after one contracts covid. All scientists know natural immunity is better than any vaccine. Why don’t we have covid recovered Maverick’s games? Why don’t we have fully recovered covid people go to college? The vaccine mandates are about marking people. Ways to assert compliance, behavior control. Why are all manufacture’s indemnified? (not held responsible for side effects or death). The rights of Americans are being taken away.’ He said.

My friends at baptism we receive an indelible mark on our soul. The mark indicates, we belong to God because we are a temple of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul said, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.… ” (1 Corin. 6:19)

We are children of God. We are citizens of heaven. No one has a right to control us, nor our body, nor whether or not we can worship God by going to church. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

For some it goes against their conscience to be vaccinated, while others it does not. We are all obligated to follow our conscience.

I know people who would rather die, than be vaccinated with an abortion tainted vaccine, because they will not go against their conscience. They desire to avoid sin. This comes from the grace of baptism. This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus to stand up for one’s own belief and be willing to suffer and even die for it.

St. Paul also said,Join one another in following my example, brothers, and carefully observe those who walk according to the pattern we set for you. For as I have often told you before, and now say again even with tears: Many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in their shame. Their minds are set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself, will transform our lowly bodies to be like His glorious body.” (Philippians 3:19-21)

My friends, our hope is in Jesus. Our hope is in heaven and not to this passing world. Through baptism we belong to Jesus, we were bought at the price of His blood. Let us cling to Our Lord and His holy Mother, so that no matter what happens, we will be filled with joy. St. Gabriel of the 7 Sorrows said, Love Mary!…if you are troubled, she will console you. If you are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants you to love her. She comes quickly and opens her merciful heart to you, embraces you and consoles and serves you. She will even be at hand to accompany you on the trip to eternity.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Jan 5th- St. Charles of Sezze


 Today is the feast of St. Charles of Sezze. He is an obscure Franciscan saint. But none the less his life was blessed by God in such a profound way, he is worthy of speaking about today.

He is the son of lowly country folks. He was born in Sezze Italy on Oct. 22nd of 1613. At the urgent request of his grandmother, he was entrusted to her care and the boy acquired a great love of God and of prayer from the example and teaching of his devout grandmother.

When he went to school as a child, his studies did not meet with much success and so when school ended his parents put him to work in the fields with is brothers. From books he had not learned much but being out in nature, God gave him new light to understand heavenly things, such that his work was constantly mingled with prayer. He began to receive the sacraments more frequently and grew in zeal for Christian perfection.

Out of love and veneration for Mary, the Mother of God, he made a vow of chastity at the age of 17 and seems to have kept it unto death such that he is often pictured with lilies as a reminder of his purity.

When he was 20 years old, he fell dangerously ill. He decided to make a vow to God that if he would live, he would join the Franciscan order. At once his illness took turn for the better and two years later, he received the Franciscan habit. After his consecration to God through his vows, he advanced visibly in piety and virtues. He ardently desired to shed his blood for Christ and asked that he might be sent as a lay brother to the missions of India, but a new illness frustrated his desires caused him to not go.

He received remarkable enlightenment by God with regard to heavenly things and he would say Our Lord in His wisdom hides such things from the wise but reveals them to the simple, to which he belonged. Many would come asking him spiritual advice including several popes.

He read with delight the lives of the saints and related them to the others while at work. In the Franciscan church which he often visited, he used to study the pictures of the saints with a desire to imitate them.

He was a cook, gardener and door keeper for the brothers.

He worked heroically to help the stricken in the plague of 1656. He carried an image of St. Anne through the city, which resulted in an immediate end to the plague.

He often fervently adored Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. One day as he passing by the doors of a church he noticed Holy Mass was being celebrated. He stopped and knelt at the door to watch the consecration and adore Jesus during the elevation of the Host during Mass. At that moment a ray of light like an arrow went out from the Sacred Host and impressed a wound in his left side. The wound would remain visible even after his death.

Once there was no wine, but through his prayers, water was changed into wine. He died Jan. 6th, 1670, of natural causes. He was declared blessed in 1882 and canonized a saint in 1959. His body is in-corrupt. His feast day is listed as Jan. 5th and also Jan. 18th. I'm not sure which one is accurate.

Wednesday After Epiphany - Storm on Lake

 Take Courage it is I, Do not Be Afraid!

In the Gospel, Jesus comes to the disciples during the heavy wind and turmoil caused by the storm. Their boat was tossed about by the wind, which caused the waves to nearly tip it over. Spending hours on the boat, unable to reach the other side, they battled the wind and waves, and must have been exhausted. They feared the boat would capsize in the dark night. This fear was increased by terror, when they saw what appeared to be a ghost, walking on the water. The Gospel states, “they cried out in fear”. As Jesus walked on the water closer and closer to the disciples, Our Lord said, “Take Courage it is I, Do not Be Afraid! And when Jesus got into the boat, the wind and waves immediately died down and they were amazed.

When we were young, many of us were afraid of the dark. We were also afraid of storms, especially lightning and thunder. But later when we get older, we realize there is nothing to be afraid of--- because we realize Jesus is always with us, even in the dark. That’s what the disciples learned, that Jesus was with them in the dark and in the midst of the storm.

Every day, we should turn to Jesus, not only when things don’t seem to go our way, but also when things do seem to go our way. How many of us realize that everyday Jesus walks beside us and is with us? He never leaves us. Jesus protects us and cares for us. And when we realize Jesus is there at our side, do we talk to Jesus as a friend and speak to Him about everything.

Even in the midst of family strife or work problems or worries about the future, Jesus is there at our side. We should call upon Him for help at the moment of the turmoil, for He is truly with us.

Also, when good things happen, we should also remember that Jesus is with us too. He is with us at our family gatherings and with us on beautiful sunny days, when there seems to be no care in the world.

Today, let us resolve to constantly call upon Jesus whether good things are happening or bad things are happening because He is always at our side.

And we can say a short prayer like Jesus, “Stay with me Jesus, for I believe you are here with me. I trust you and believe you will save me and bring me safely into your heavenly kingdom with Mary, your Mother and all the angels and saints.”

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Jan. 5th - St. John Neumann

See the source image

Feast of St. John Neumann

There is the body of a bishop lying on a mattress with his head resting on a pillow underneath the altar of the church of St. Peter, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The body is enclosed in a glass case. He is wearing priestly vestments, a pectoral cross around his neck, and on his head is a hat, called a miter. He is also wearing white gloves with a ring on his finger. The bishop appears to be sleeping. Who is this person? Why is he in a glass case?

A boy destined to become a saint was born in 1811, in Bohemia. When he was about 10 to 14 yrs. old, he didn’t think much about becoming a priest, but when he was about 20 yrs old, he wanted to go to college and wandered, if he should be a doctor, a lawyer or to study theology. His mother, who was a devout Catholic, suggested he study theology. Theology is the study of God, and the Church. It would seem that his mother’s gentle suggestion resulted in the young man, becoming a saint in the United States.

He eventually went to seminary and graduated. He came to New York City, and was ordained. Years later, he joined a religious order called the Redemptorists, taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. He was ordained a bishop of Philadelphia. In the 1800’s, thousands of Catholics came to settle in Philadelphia from Europe. Back then, there were few churches or schools in Philadelphia. Within 2 yrs. he built 80 churches, and started the Catholic School system. Originally there were 500 children enrolled, within two years there were 9000. He developed “The Small Catechism” for children to be used in the schools.

He deeply loved the Virgin Mary and prayed to her beseeching Her intercession. His trip to Rome in 1854, for the proclamation of the dogma of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, which must had a tremendous impact on his life and his devotion to Mary.

He also had a strong devotion to the Eucharist, and prayed before the tabernacle often. He made popular “40 hours devotion”, whereby the Eucharist is adored for 40 continuous hours, by which people come to pray for an hour at a time. The 40 hours devotion is still popular today in Pennsylvania.

He had to do a lot of walking, and had to ride a horse to visit the sick, and prisoners, and to give confirmation to young people. All the traveling he did, caused him to become ill.

One day, as he walked down the street, after picking up a chalice, at a train station, he collapsed, and died on the street. Because many people believed he was a saint, they decided to put his body in a wax dummy, which was placed below the altar in a glass case, in the church of St. Peter in Philadelphia.

He was a very holy man, who lived a life of humility, and self-sacrifice. He deeply loved God and neighbor. Today, many people travel to Philadelphia to pray at his tomb, and ask favors from him. Who is this man? Who is this American Saint? He is Saint John Neumann. May all of us strive to become a saint, in imitation of St. John. Let us strive for holiness, and ask the Blessed Virgin to pray for us, that may we come to adore and love Jesus in the Eucharist, as he did. St. John Neumann, pray for us!

Monday, January 3, 2022

Jan. 4th - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Today, we celebrate, the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton!

    She was a wife, widow, mother of five and mother and foundress of a religious order of Sisters, called the daughters of Charity. She was a former Episcopalian, who became Catholic.
    Born in New York, her mother died when Elizabeth was only three. As a child, she was inclined to contemplation of God, and her greatest joy was “reading prayers”. In 1794, she married William Seton. When William’s father died, the young couple took care of William’s seven half brothers & sisters. And when his business failed, he also became ill. To prevent his death, they sailed to Italy, and stayed with the Fellici family. But, he soon afterward died, leaving Elizabeth, as a widow, with five of her own children.
The Fellici’s were devout Catholics and Elizabeth was captivated by their kindness and generosity.
    They had a private chapel, which contained the Blessed Sacrament. She was drawn to the tabernacle, where she discovered her Lord waiting for her. Her great desire for the Bread of Life was a strong force which lead her to become Catholic. To her sister-in-law, Rebecca, she wrote, “How happy would we be, if we believed what these dear souls believe: that they possess God in the Sacrament, and that He remains in their churches and is carried to them when they are sick! The other day in a moment of excessive stress, I fell on my knees, without thinking, when the Blessed Sacrament passed by, and cried in an agony to God to bless me, if He was there—that my whole soul desired only Him.” Years later, after she made her first Holy Communion, she wrote, “At last… at last, God is mine and I am His! Now let it all go around—I have received Him!”
    Having lost her mother at an early age, the Blessed Virgin became, her Mother. She asked Mary to guide Her to the true faith. After she became Catholic, the bishop asked Elizabeth to start a Catholic School in Baltimore, and found a religious order, the Daughters of Charity. Later she, her sisters and children, moved to Emmitsburg, Maryland. She suffered great heartache, due to the death of three of her children, before she herself died.
    Her two boys attended Mount St. Mary’s, boys’ school, which is now Mount St. Mary’s College and Seminary. Her sisters would travel several miles in the winter, and during the hot summer to attend Mass on the mountain. She instructed children on the mountain, just above the seminary. The grounds of the seminary and the Mount are made hallow, by the footsteps of a saint, & many seminarians who seek her intercession as a mother, to help them to become holy and faithful priests.
    May the motherly affection of St. Elizabeth, inspire every Catholic school to educate children well, to a greater love and devotion to the Eucharist, and to the Blessed Virgin, in imitation of this holy saint!

Deaths & Injuries from Covid Vaccines - VAERS (Voluntary Adverse Effect Reporting System)


Through Dec. 24th, 2021

Vaccine Deaths: 21,002

Vaccine Hospitalizations: 110,609

Reports: 1,000,227

Urgent Care: 109,245

Bells Palsy: 12,532

Doctors Office Visits: 156,456

Anaphylaxis: 8,673

Miscarriages: 3,435

Heart Attacks: 10,640

Myocarditis/Pericarditis: 22,117

Permanently Disabled: 35,660
Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet: 5,011
Life Threatening: 23,892
Severe Allergic Reaction: 36,492
Shingles: 11,462

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Holy Name of Jesus

                    HOLY NAME OF JESUS

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. From the moment of His conception, His birth, His Circumcision, His Cross, during the lives of the apostles and early Church, throughout history and even today, the Holy Name of Jesus continues to save.

Jesus means “Savior”. The first mention of the name of Jesus, was at the annunciation, when the angel Gabriel said to Mary, “You shall conceive and bear a Son and give Him the name Jesus.(Luke 1:31) The angel Gabriel then appeared to St. Joseph in a dream, and said, “Thou shall name Him Jesus, because He shall save His people from their sins”. (Matt. 1:21)

Scripture tells us, that “When the eighth day arrived for His circumcision, the name Jesus was given to the Child..” (Luke 2:21) At Our Lord’s Crucifixion, His Holy Name was nailed above His head, which said, “This is Jesus, King of the Jews” (Matt. 27:37).

At Pentecost, the name of Jesus was used by St. Peter to heal a man crippled from birth, as He said, “In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, walk!” When St. Peter was arrested for healing the cripple, he told the rulers, “There is no other name under heaven given to men by which, we must be saved”. (Acts 4:12) .

St. Paul told the Philippians, “God has exalted Him, and bestowed upon the name that is above every other name, so that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow.” (Pil. 2:9)

When we pray the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will say the name of Jesus 58 times, as we pray the Hail Mary and the Fatima prayer.

The name of Jesus, as we know-- means, savior. Jesus not only saves us from sin, but also saves us from physical harm as we can tell by the following story.

The day after Christmas in 2005, a missionary, who was working at an orphanage, spotted a large tsunami, approaching the banks of an island. Not knowing what to do, the missionary raised his hand in the direction of the flood, and shouted, “I command you in the name of Jesus—stop!” He thought he was imagining things, because the water seemed to “momentarily stop”. As the wave had stopped, he and all the children from the orphanage got into a boat. And just as their boat headed away, the water poured into the mouth of the lagoon, and destroyed the orphanage. All escaped unharmed!

On this feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, and everyday, may we gently and softly repeat the Holy Name of Jesus, asking Him to save us from our sins, save us from physical harm, and make reparation for those who take His Holy Name in vain.

Just imagine how many times, the Blessed Virgin said the name of Jesus, may She remind us to call upon the name of Her Son with trust and with love.

Friday, December 31, 2021


Today, we have three special guests who have came a very long distance. Their names are Gaspar, Melchior and Balthazar, the three wise men. It is believed all three, although from different countries, providentially met on their journey to Bethlehem. They were learned in the science of the stars, but were wise because the sought the Christ Child, and found Him who is the Messiah, King and God.

The wise men were not Jews. They were Gentiles. We might have expected God to reveal the birth of Jesus to his own Jewish people, but no, it was to people of a different religion and race. We admire the faith of the three wise men. They believed the prophecy from the book of Numbers (24:7), “A star shall spring out of Jacob and a man shall rise upon Israel.” They knew the Redeemer would appear in Judea, and His coming would be heralded by a star.

As soon as they perceived the star, they set off on the road to Judea. Full of holy desire to worship the Savior, they did not shrink from the dangers of the long journey. Its believed they traveled over a 1000 miles which would have taken 3 months to a year.

When the star disappeared, they did not give up, but traveled courageously to Jerusalem for further information as to where the Savior was born. They figured the Jews in Jerusalem would know where the Messiah would be born. Here, however, their faith was tried because no body in Jerusalem knew anything about the Redeemer’s birth. It was they who first brought the good tidings to the city, but it did not awaken feelings of joy, but rather trouble in the city because of Herod.

When the chief priests and scribes told them of the prophecy of Micah the Savior was to be born in Bethlehem, the wise men believed and went to Bethlehem. No one from Jerusalem accompanied them. You would think all Jerusalem would have flocked with them to seek the Messiah, but no! The skeptical priests remained behind, to let the Gentile Kings to discover the new born King.

God not only showed them the way to the Child’s abode by the reappearance of the star, but also illuminated them interiorly, so that they understood the mystery of the incarnation, and worshiped the Divine Child with divine worship due to God alone.

They were led to the house where the Child and His poor Mother were lodging. Its believed when the magi came it could have been months after the birth, and so the Holy Family had moved from the cave of His birth-- to a poor dwelling of a home. The Child was perhaps at least a year old or older when they found Him.

When they arrived and beheld the Child, they were inspired by divine grace and threw themselves on their knees and worshiped the Infant as their God and Savior. St. Pope Leo the great said,  “….there must have been some special Divine Revelation whereby they knew that "his star" meant the birth of a king, that this new-born king was the very God, and that they should be led by "his star" to the place of the God-king’s birth.”

Casper from Tarsus, was European, whose gift was gold. Gold is for a king, and symbolizes the kingship of the newborn King. Melchior from Persia, modern day Iran, brought Frankincense, which comes from aromatic oil, used by Jews to offer sacrifice and symbolizes His divinity. Balthasar from Ethiopia in Africa-- brought myrrh, a bitter perfume used in burial practices of Jews. It symbolizes the death of Jesus, and His body being anointed with myrrh for burial.

They were warned in a dream not to return to Jerusalem, because Herod had designs to kill the Child and so departed by another route. It’s believed they went to India to proclaim the truth of Jesus and later met St. Thomas the apostle and were baptized by him. They died in India and their bodies were in-corrupt for many years. But later decomposed. Their bones were eventually taken to Constantinople by St. Helena and then later transferred to Milan, Italy and then finally ended up in the Cathedral of Cologne Germany.

There are many wise men, women and children in our parish. What does it mean to be wise? The book of Wisdom states the first stage of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord does not mean we are afraid of God or the punishments we deserve. Rather, fear of the Lord means we fear offending God, whom we love and so don’t want to hurt Him.

Wisdom is different than intelligence. One who is intelligent may not be wise. But someone not so smart in the ways of the world, can be brilliant in wisdom. Jesus gave us some examples of wisdom. He said a wise man builds his house on rock and not on sand. He is referring to having faith in Him, who is the rock. We place our faith in Him and not in the world nor in any government to solve our problems, then we are wise. Jesus also spoke of the wise virgins, who kept their oil lamps filled, while the foolish virgins did not. The foolish were not ready for the bridegroom, when He comes to open the door, referring to the day of their judgment. To be wise, we need to always be ready for the moment of our death and to seek the things of heaven and not earth. A wise man will have a personal relationship with Jesus, will truly love Him and speak to Him often and even be willing to die for Him. He will seek God in all circumstances and not give up until he finds Him.

A wise person fears offending God out of love for Him and so avoids sin and confesses frequently. A wise person is not interested in material things, but rather uses them for the love of God and neighbor. A wise man will read spiritual books especially the Bible, and avoid books that lead one away from God. A wise person will choose to help someone in need, whereas an unwise person will think only of themselves. If we are wise, we will not seek glory and honors in this life, but want only to receive them in the next life. A wise person encourage others and give them pats on the back, but an unwise person will treat others with disdain and be jealous of their gifts and talents. A wise person will use his gifts, talents and treasures to help others, as opposed to using them for one self. A wise person will seek God’s will in all things. A wise man will try to find the good in everyone, as opposed to seeing only the bad. A wise person seeks the things of heaven as opposed to the things of the world. A wise person will seek to alleviate the misery of others, as opposed to ignoring them. A wise person will want to imitate the saints, as opposed to the rich and famous.

A wise child will share his or her toys or candy with others or play a game with someone even though we may not want to.

A wise young person will remove their neighbor’s snow rather than get paid.

A wise person would rather be honest and poor, rather than rich and dishonest.

With our continuous Eucharistic Adoration, just as the three wise men fell to their knees to worship Jesus in adoration, so many will come to church to bend their knees and worship and adore the King of Heaven during their Holy Hour. As the responsorial psalm said, “Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.”

As a new year resolution, let us pray for the gift of wisdom and as we gaze upon the Sacred Host, we will sing with the Virgin Mary, from our heart, “O come Let us adore Him! O come let us adore Him!” “O Come Let us Adore Him. Christ the Lord.”

Jan. 1st Mary Mother of God

Today, we celebrate with great joy, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. Due to the Nestorian heresy, which denied the divinity of Jesus, the Council of Ephesus in 431 dogmatically declared Mary, as the Mother of God. The council said, “…we confess the holy virgin to be the Mother of God because God the Word took flesh and became man and from his very conception united to himself the temple he took from her.”

When the dogma was proclaimed, it helped to better define who Jesus is. That He has two natures, both human and divine, and yet Jesus is only one person and Mary is the Mother of the person of Jesus. This does not mean that Mary is divine nor does it means that She created Jesus in Her womb. No, rather all it means is that Jesus is God and Mary is His Mother.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, states, “The one to whom She conceived as man by the Holy Spirit, who truly became Her Son according to the flesh, was none other than, the Father’s eternal Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity. Hence, the Church confesses that Mary is truly Mother of God.”

After the angel Gabriel departed at Mary’s annunciation, She went in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was with child and upon entering the home of her Her cousin, Elizabeth cried out, “Who am I, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?” For at the moment of your greeting, the child in my womb, leapt for joy.” Here Elizabeth acknowledges the Son in Mary’s womb is the Lord, who is God.

In the Gospel today, we heard the night of Jesus’ birth, the shepherds, who watched over their flocks, came upon Mary, His Mother, with Joseph, and the Infant lying in the manger. They too gazed upon the face of God, as a little Child, as Jesus “shed His face upon them, and was gracious to them.”

At the time of Jesus, shepherds were considered ignorant, poor and dirty outcasts. Many lived out in the open and not in homes. Some believe the shepherds presented the Holy Family with gifts such as curds and milk. They were struck with awe and wonder and what the angels had told them, that they would find a Child lying in the manger, who will be their savior, who is Christ the Lord. They must have wondered, how is it--that a child who is to be savior and who is the Christ, would be born in similar circumstances in which they lived. When Jesus as God, first makes Himself known to the world at His birth, He does so-- with His Mother Mary and He does so--- with people who were considered outcasts.

Later in Mary’s life, a woman in the crowd cried out, “Blessed is the womb, who bore you, and the woman, who nursed you!” Mary was blessed, because, as His Mother, She carried Him in Her womb, gave birth to Him, and held the baby Jesus in Her arms! She was blessed because She adored the face of God, kissed His chubby cheeks, touched His tiny nose, and grasped His little fingers, nursed Him, bathed Him, and changed His diapers.

At the Cross, when Jesus said, “Woman behold thy Son and Son behold thy Mother!”-- it is then that all of us became Her children. At the foot of the Cross, John took Mary into His home. Our Lord revealed Himself--- with His Mother Mary, as the Christ, and Savior at His birth-- to poor outcast shepherds, at their temporary home-- in the stable. And since Our Lord providentially wanted His Mother at the foot of the Cross at His death, then He wants us to know that Mary is our Mother too--- from our birth to our death. He wants us to be like John and to take Mary into our home and to make Her our Mother.

Have we taken Mary into our home and into our heart? Do we approach Her, as our Mother, and ask Her to obtain everything we need?

While scripture and tradition is important, we truly need to have a personal friendship with Mary, as our Mother. We should pray the rosary every day, but also speak personal words to Her. Do we talk to Her, ask Her intercession, and address Her—as—Mother? For example, if we struggle, with particular sins, we should pray, “O Mother in heaven, help me to overcome the sin that I struggle with the most. I believe you are the refuge of poor sinners. Or we can say to Her, “O Mother Mary, when I am lonely or saddened, please console me. Or—“Mother Mary, when I am in pain, help me to suffer for Jesus, as you suffered for Him! Or we can say to Mary, “Please O Mother turn your eyes of mercy upon me and hear my prayers. I am in great need. Do not abandon me your little child! And Most importantly--- my Mother Mary, help me to get to heaven, when I stray-- bring me back, when I fall--- pick me up, when I am lost-- please find me and when I need a Mother, let me know you are there!”

Today, each and everyone one us, no matter age, young or old, should call upon Mary, as our Mother. If She is the Mother of outcast shepherds, then surely, She is also the mother of all of us sinners, who are mothers, fathers, grandparents, children, teachers, farmers, ranchers, ordinary workers, (bankers, lawyers, doctors, nurses). In short, She is the Mother of all of us. “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection